
  1. H

    Revision in code requested to avoid hanging of Excel Workbook

    I am using a Function findhigh as Function findhigh(a As Range, b As Range, c As Range) As String In the code. Then I am finding number of 1s in c Range using y = Application.CountIf(c, 1) Now the code works smoothly when If y >= 3 Then If a(y) = 0 Or a(y) = "" Then GoTo finish If...
  2. An Quala

    VBA Code Mistake

    Hello, can anyone please help me find out what is the mistake in this VBA Code, it is not giving any error but highlighted part is not doing what it needs to do (deleting the rows as per the mentioned criteria) Sub Xlookup() Dim c As Range, va, x For Each x In Split("Sponsored...
  3. K

    Spell Check in UserForm

    Hi everyone, Is there a way that I can do a spell check in a UserForm, before the information is sent to the worksheet. I know I can add code to do a spell check after the information is added to the worksheet, but in my case, some of the text will be sent to two different worksheets. Therefore...
  4. N

    Help to correct formula

    Hi all I have two formula but one have result, one have result = 0. I can;t find out the mistake of wrong formula: formula have result =+SUMPRODUCT((('ky1'!$E$2:$E$9999="0101")*(LEFT('ky1'!$A$2:$A$9999;6)="G03654"))*('ky1'!$F$2:$F$9999:'ky1'!$G$2:$G$9999)) formula result = 0...
  5. I

    If the Second Character in A3 is _ then use X formula if not use Y formula

    Sample data set below shows two separate text options within the column if the data has the _ within the cell I need to run a different formula than the ones without a _. And to avoid mistake the _ should only appear in the second character position. <colgroup><col width="65"...
  6. J

    VBA .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Function

    My code below keeps error and there isn't any visible mistake, please help.. Thanks wb2.Sheets(1).Range(Trim(Arr2(0)) & FoundCell3 & ":" & Trim(Arr2(UBound(Arr2))) & FoundCell4).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
  7. A


    What's wrong with this formula? In row A1:A10 if i write t it gives =NOW but not the FORMULA for showing time. What is the mistake here? Thanks!
  8. G

    Changing decimal time to actual hours and minutes

    Hi everyone, I've made an error at work in that I've populated a massive spreadsheet (of times in hours and minutes) by hand, but I used a . instead of a : So for instance: 1 hour and 30 mins says 1.3 7 hours and 48 minutes says 7.48 3 hours and 50 minutes says 3.50 Etc. I can't obviously...
  9. Futile Crush

    Irreparable Error with TRANSPOSE function

    Hey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle with Excel. I made the dear mistake of succeeding in using the TRANSPOSE function, just to copy 10 rows which I easily could have typed out. But then, I wanted to insert a column, it wouldn't let me, so I decided to take the latter columns out of the equation...

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