
  1. WildBurrow

    Userform write to multiple textboxes on specific pages

    I found the following code that provides the function I need (sorry, I forgot to snag contributor's name). Private Sub txtPriCO1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Select Case KeyAscii Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeyBack, vbKeyClear, vbKeyDelete, _ vbKeyLeft...
  2. P

    Userform - Only allow one OptionButton to be selected inside multipage within a Frame with other OptionButtons

    Currently working on a userform and quite new to it. I have a multipage (with 2 pages of OptionButtons) inside a frame which also contains 4 other Optionbuttons. Is there a way to ensure that once I click a option button inside the mutlipage that it deselects the option button outside of it and...
  3. alexofrhodes

    Looping selected controls on a designer

    Hi all. I have the following code to get the selected controls on a userform's designer module. The problem is that some controls are within a frame, in which case the frame itself is added to the collection instead of the selected controls inside it. I expect a similar problem to occur when...
  4. J

    VBA control button to navigate multipage according to one of the parameters entered in the text box.

    Hi all, I'm developing a form with multipages. I have designed it to be General info - Site 1 - Site 2 - Site 3 -..... There's a textbox that need input from the users, regarding the Site where the material is produced. Different site has different info and setup. Instead of navigating by...
  5. N


    Hello everybody. Pretty silly userform case study, to experiment, yet I'm facing a problem. The UserForm has 2 rectangle images, each in blue color (initially) and green color (when the MouseMove-s on it). When the MouseMove-s over the rest of the userform surface, the images are blue again...
  6. S

    How do I link Spin Button to populate a Combo Box?

    Hello, I am new to Excel VBA, so please bear with my explanation. I have a User form with a Multipage setup (3 pages) and on the 1st page, I take the user input for No. of Departments using a Spin Button. Now I want a Combo Box to be populated based on the number selected in the Spin Button...
  7. D

    Find name of userform control

    Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to extract a control name from a multipage on a userform upon actioning the control? I have CheckBox1 and, when it is directly on the userform (no multipage), using the code Me.ActiveControl.Name returns CheckBox1 on click - which is exactly what I am...
  8. Jaafar Tribak

    Changing the Font & Back Colors of individual Tabs\Pages in a MultiPage

    Hi dear forum, As you know, the MsForms Multipage control doesn't offer a built-in functionality for changing the colors of individual tabs. I have seen many requests for this functionality over the years and the usual workaround has always been to add some helper buttons\labels , to change the...
  9. Y

    Create book with reference to initial sheet

    Hi! I have an inventory sheet with data. Then I have a book, where each page has multiple cells relating to a line item on the inventory sheet. Rather than manually link 100 pages, how to I duplicate each page and have the multiple cells magically refer to the next line item? Thank you!
  10. W

    Multipage and checkboxes

    I really hope this is possible. I need to program a command button to send an email via Outlook... I have multiple tabs on a multipage (each tab labeled as a product type) In each page I have a long list of product in as checkboxes. I need the "Submit" button to find all of the checked boxes...
  11. Z

    Multipage hide and unhide VBA!AiCZb_GZ2FZegdwGDeVB_yPLnEh0Jg?e=XcDm5Q I am trying to figure out how to take the items checked on a treeview and have them match the caption of a tab on a multipage userform. In the attached woorkbook below is a moch-up of what i have in my project. The criteria userform...
  12. J

    Objects not visible in multipage userform while in edit mode

    Excel VBA beginner I've prepared a userform with a two tab multipage area. I added several labels, textboxes and combo boxes within the first page but had not yet started any code work. I clicked outside the multipage form to edit some other objects and now I am unable to see the multipage tabs...
  13. L

    Multipage Userform

    Hi, I have a table that stores data. It has too many fields to fit on a userform. My question can a multipage form allocate the data to the same row in the table? Thank you
  14. M

    Multipage Mousemove Event

    Hi. Looking for guidance on how to use mousemove event on a multipage? Im trying to have a image as a button, and hover over changes colour. Below code works for a userform mousemove, but can find a solution when over a multipage instead Thanks Sub ExitButtonInactive_MouseMove(ByVal Button...
  15. M

    Adding Checkbox to Notepad

    I have a userform with a multipage, and on each multipage I want to add a command button which opens another userform with a textbox to add notes. So far I have the notes linked to a cell on a hidden page, say "K5", and when there are notes on the page I want a checkbox to be enabled so the user...
  16. K

    Userform Appearance While Running and in Designer Mode

    Greetings everyone! I searched throughout this forum, and I'm sure I may have missed a similar post. If it exists, I'd be most appreciative if you'd direct me to where I may find it. :hungry: So, here's the scenario. (I) Within a userform, I have a multipage with several tabs, all containing a...
  17. M

    Should I use Index/Match?

    I have a dashboard where col B is academic terms and col D is their total fees. I have a hidden sheet with the breakdown of their fees that I want to load on that multipage. When a user double clicks a term in column B a multipage in a userform pops up. So if Semester 1 is double clicked the...
  18. M

    Dynamically Changing Multipage Label Caption

    I have a multipage with a label on page 1. I want the label to reflect what is in cell B5, but it doesn't do anything no matter what I try. Any ideas? Private Sub FeesForm_Initialize() Dim ws As Worksheet MultiPage1.pgTerm1.lblTerm.Caption = ws.Cells("b5") End Sub
  19. M

    Better way to use Multipage Textboxes

    I'm using a Multipage (13 pages) on a UserForm and on each page I have 8 text boxes. These text boxes get calculated and the resulting value is entered into a cell on the worksheet. I have one set of controls (Enter, Calculate, and Clear) on the UserForm section. The 13 pages represent...
  20. M

    Updating multipage tab captions automatically?

    I have a sheet and when you click on cell B4 a multipage userform opens. I was able to get the page captions to reflect a particular cell (i.e. Page1 = B4, Page2 = B5...) but they only change once you click on the page. So when the form opens it first says Page1, but when you click it, it...

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