return row

  1. S

    Search Column, Return Row Number or "Not Found"

    I am trying to find out how I can enter a number on a form and search a column "A1" for that number, if a match is found I would like to know the row number so I can pull data from that rown to form. If the number is not found I would like to know it was not found. This seems like it should...
  2. M

    lookup and Returning Multiple lines

    I hope someone can help me. I have a construction estimate workbook that works as follows: PO#, vendor#, Item#, Item Description, Price, 1500 7033 2345 2x4x12 3.54 1501 3454 2343 Termite Treat 100.00 The Price...

    Quick question

    hi all i can't remember that formula where it looks for one word or phrase and then returns everything in the columns next to that. in other words. i have 5 colums with text and numbers in them in the last column stock movem,ent is indicated with either a z for dead or a range of other...
  4. M

    .Find text in coloumn and return row number

    First => I'm trying to return the row number of the first instant of the word "Day 1" in a column, looking down the column.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Second => Once I have the row number I will then format the columns C:N...

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