
  1. A

    How to Calculate Scoring for High, Medium and Low from a Series of Criteria

    <tbody> Criteria Range Score Account Balance $500,000.00 and $999,999,999.99 89 Account Balance $100,000.00 and $499,999.99 79 Account Balance $50,000.00 and $99,999.99 69 Account Balance $25,000.00 and $49,999.99 59 Discharge Date 121 - 180 68 Discharge Date 181 -...
  2. E

    Scoring Sheet

    I am looking for macro to do the following Input numbers into one specific cell and get a running total in a different specified cell. This is for a scoring sheet where the result gets displayed on a monitor. it would make the computer operators job easier if the figures could be entered into...
  3. P

    Copyright issues - creating a Excel scoring program of a questionnaire?

    Maybe this forum not the appropriate place to post this (?), but I have not found any other websites raising the issue. My question is about to which extent does the copyright of questionnaires extend to a simple unofficial Excel scoring calculator? The thing is, I work as a neuropsychologist...
  4. J

    COINTIFS question

    I've got this formula =COUNTIFS('Scoring Input'!F:F,"NSH",'Scoring Input'!C:C,J25) instead of looking for "NSH" I want it to countifs NOT "NSH" There are 3 characters in each cell in the column 'Scoring Input'!F:F , so whether it is "MIN", "WPG" "CAR" etc I want it to sum all of those...
  5. H

    100% rounding

    Hi I have an audit template where we have a set of scored criteria. each one marked green = 5 points amber = 3 points red = 0 points We add up all the the score, using aggregate(9,6,range) We then calculate a %age grade using a simple divide total by max possible total formula This works...
  6. J

    Reverse scoring for likert scale

    Hello, I am analyzing data from a survey (1= Not Interested, 5= Very Interested) in which some questions have reverse scoring (5=Not Interested, 1= Very Interested). I am seeking to have a formula for a column to automatically reverse the scoring. How do I do this? Best, John
  7. E

    Can someone kindly explain what the "3" does in this formula

    pointtotal is a named range. Trying to understand the purpose of the 3 in the scoring formula. thank you =ROUND(100-pointtotal/3,0)/100
  8. D

    How do I auto transfer rows of data from multiple sheets into a different sheet

    Hello all, I am after some help with excel. I am a PE teacher and need to find a way to cut down the processing time for our athletics carnival scoring system. One way is to use excel to automatically sort through some of the data for me. The problem is Im not savvy enough to set this up and...
  9. B

    Msgbox when cell value reaches and passes a certain value.

    Hi all, I am relatively new to Excel VBA coding and i have created a cricket scoring workbook. Everything is working excellently and now i am adding a few things that will make the scorebook more interesting and informative. My question is this: When a player reaches milestones, like 50 runs...
  10. A

    Sumproduct with trailing amount, ranking spreadsheet

    folks, anyone shed some light on why you woud add a trailing amount to a sumproduct formula? background: I am redoing a tender evaluation spreadsheet built a while ago and when it comes to the weighting of each respondents criteria, the person who built the spreadsheet has used a sumproduct...
  11. G


    Hi, I need some help with a formula to give me a score based on certain criteria. I have a list of objects each with 10 attributes (all numeric scores, with a set scale from percentile data). Each of these attributes has a weighting to give me an overall score. I need to use the scale (10...
  12. R

    Scoring System

    Hi, I am trying to create a simple scoring system for sports that use a "legs" and "sets" format (e.g. tennis, darts etc.) I would like the "sets" cell to automatically update as the "legs" cell reaches the required amount of legs to win a set. After that I would like the "sets" cell to...

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