
  1. J

    Sumifs - Using Multiple Criteria and Multiple Values

    I want to return the Total Revenue from the below table (Table1), where Colour is = R & W, Item = A & B and Size = S & M. I tried using the formula below but it doesn't return the correct value. Adding multiple values to the third criteria range is the problem, it ignores all bar the first value...
  2. B


    Hi Everyone, I'm current having an issue with a formula that should calculate the sum range based on multiple criterias. =SUM(SUMIFS(_AP24[Updated Change],_AP24[Change V2],{"CM09","CM12","CM25","CM27"},_AP24[Product Code],{"CM05","CM07","CM08","CM10","CM13","CM14","CM15","CM28"})) If i adjust...
  3. M

    Aging buckets By customer account aging report

    Could I possibly get help with creating an account aging report with basic balance information. Account number, invoice, due date and invoice amount. Account list with aging buckets of current, 31-60, 61-90 and over 90 days. What would be the appropriate steps to calculate the balance by...
  4. E

    COUNTIF and SUMIF formula with multiple criteria

    Hello, Would really appreciate some help on this, i've been struggling with it all day. I've mostly tried variations of index/match, countifs, sumifs, but it i'm having trouble factoring in the different criteria, so i'm basically lost. I'm basically looking to create two formulae. one that...
  5. A

    SUMIFS exclude value if partial match in list/named range

    Hi, I've been playing around with SUMIFS to get a formula that sums multiple criteria but also excludes some values if found as a partial match in a named range. I have added partial text strings in a list with the named range "Excl_Name" and am trying to get SUMIFS to sum all matches in...
  6. H

    Avoiding INDIRECT when referencing and comparing ranges in different workbooks

    I work in Finance and have a QoL-issue with excelling daily. I use INDIRECT and SUMIFS constantly when comparing figures. Oftentimes it's about comparing latest estimates with previous forecasts or budgets in an earlier instances of the same file (although with a different name)...
  7. K

    Sumproduct with 3 tables?

    Dear users, I am trying to do the following but have been unsuccessful therefore I seek your help; I have vendors who buy TVs from certain Towns. The top left table displays the quantities of TVs bought by each vendor who has a record of purchase while the bottom left table displays the...
  8. J

    using sumifs function across multiple sheets

    i have a sumifs function that i need to to also add cells that match the same criteria from other worksheetsABCDE111-Feb17-Feb234561015021015491036427JeffJustinRamy8hours24.8037.8910111213A1A1=WORKDAY.INTL(B1+1,-1,"1111110")C8C8=SUMIFS('Aggregated Data'!C4:AG4,'Aggregated...
  9. A

    Pivot Table Sum giving Zeros but count works

    I have a workbook that is helping my team track weekly inventory of something in our lab. We scan one barcode that contains the information required for weekly inventory (Lot ID, Variety, and number of pouches). The next three columns after the scan will split the text by a delimiter using the...
  10. T

    SUMIFS not Working

    Iam trying to calculate the sum of QTY mentioned as per week start and week end dates , but for some reason it is not reading the qty if the dates are outside of the range. Please see the highlighted cells as an example. Can you please tell how to fix this. Thank you so much in advance...
  11. O

    Dividing a sumifs() statement by another sumifs() statement - Problem: Second sumifs() not recognizing valid ranges.

    Hi, I am trying to divide the result of one sumifs() statement by the result of another sumifs() statement, but the sum range and criteria ranges referenced in the second statement are not working.The ranges are valid but they are not highlighted in the sheet and the formula returns an error...
  12. S

    Power Query SUMIFS Equivalent

    I am looking for a power query custom column formula that will do the equivalent to this Excel SUMIFS formula below =SUMIFS(Country_Variety_Sales[2023 TOTAL],Country_Variety_Sales[Secondary No],Country_Variety_Sales[@[Secondary No]],Country_Variety_Sales[Country],Country_Variety_Sales[@Country])
  13. Long Nose

    sheetlist sumifs with multiple criteria - shortened?

    Is there a way I can shorten this formula. Works - This adds "US", "VI", "PR", and excludes "CA"...
  14. LearningByDoing

    total (weight) per shift and date calculated in every row of 1st trip

    Hello together, I have the following problem. I want the total weight of the tonnage per shift (Column shift - 1 or 2) and by date. The total weight should be added in each row of the 1st trip. As can be seen in the column "My incomplete result", I have succeeded for the 1st shift. The...
  15. G

    Return Text Based on Number Criterea

    This should be really simple, and I just can't get it. I am very familiar with sumifs, but the issue is that my sum range is text and my criteria are numbers. So I always get a zero return. =sumifs(A:A,B:B,C1) Need to return the ttt A B C ttt 1000 1000 rrr 1111 eee 2222
  16. R

    SPILL error when SUMIFS on pivot table

    Hi, I was using a SUMIFS formula to look up an external workbook which worked great. I then decided to pivot table that external workbook so that the data was contained within my file, and users of the file did not need to open that external workbook each time. However, since doing this...
  17. S

    SUMIFS Statement

    I need a formula that is using the data from the table named "Costs". I need to sum the Hours column IF the Concatenate column has any of these values...162FOL, 392FAL, 392FGL, 392FFL, 392PFL, or 452FGL AND the date is before 6/1/2023. This is what I currently have and it is returning a result...
  18. P

    Count Blank If Multiple Conditions Match

    Hello, I am trying to count blanks when multiple values match by using COUNTIFS() or SUMIFS(). For example, I would like to get the sum of blanks in Apr for values A only in column B. However, whenever I try to do it, I either get a #SPILL! error or #VALUE error. Would be grateful for any...
  19. B

    Dynamic Sumifs Formula: Multiple Row Criteria, Dynamic Column

    I have a data table say A1:N100 Column A is Category Column B is Sub Category Columns C:N would be Jan - Dec I need a dynamic sum that only sums up if Category A value is "Criteria1", Category B value is "Criteria2" and for only the month of my choosing. Sometimes this will be current month...
  20. Rob_010101

    Complicated SUMIFS/COUNTIFS Formulas Required

    Hello, I have two sheets, named: 1. Master Data - This sheet will be updated daily by pasting a system report over the existing data 2. 2022 - I want to calculate some stats from the master data sheet on this sheet The gist of this is, I need to report on people who leave between 0 and 5...

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