
  1. R

    Sumproduct not working

    Hi, I'm trying to calculate the headcount & salary by allocation for a 5yr period where the salaries change every year, but the headcount allocation stays the same. I think im doing something very silly as the sumproduct formula that im using doesnt seem to work. Frmula used in F20 calculates...
  2. B

    Sumproduct as a Dynamic VBA code

    Hi I am trying to do a sumproduct as a dynamic vba code but I cannot get it to work. I'd use XL2BB but i'm on a work computer so i can't install anything, so attaching picture for some clarity. This is for an order form and the reason i want it dynamic is because the number of rows changes...
  3. H

    Translating SumIf to Sumproduct

    Hello All, I have a formula that works as I want combining sumif and sumproduct. However, I am referencing another workbooks so I would like to use only sumproducts to make this happen. I have excel 2019 and don't have any power query functions...
  4. A

    Solver Optimization Tool

    Hello, I have used solver to optimize the sum of numbers given certain constraints, however I am now trying to optimize the product of numbers given certain constraints. When finding the optimal sum I can use a binary list to select the combination of item to sumproduct together to find the...
  5. J

    Sum data in a range based on a column and row and an equation

    Hi I have reached the edge of my knowledge and need some assistance. I have a sheet that tracks crops and input chemicals, I need to summaries this into a table so that I can budget the cost based on the month the item is consumed. In Sheet 1. Data The first few columns are for the row...
  6. S

    SUMPRODUCT of positives and negatives values

    Hi everyone, I'm using a formula that works perfectly but there is just one small issue. I need to do the sumproduct of positives and negatives values. SUMPRODUCT(--(1+MOD((COLUMN(M21:CD21)-COLUMN(M21));9)=1)*(M21:CD21<0)*N(+M21:CD21)) This one is only for negatives values. So if ever I...
  7. P

    Google Sheets: How do you ignore text in a sumproduct formula?

    Hi there! I'm trying to figure out a way to sum a row based on two cells in the same row. I tried to use a sumproduct but I'm getting an error as I have text in my sum range. Any way to ignore the text to just sum the numbers? Maybe sumproduct isn't even the best way to go about this? I'm...
  8. M

    Calculating weighted average excluding blank cells

    Hi everyone, I have a question that I've been trying to figure out and hoping the community might have some tips. For my individual stock portfolio, I'm trying to calculate a weighted average in cell D21 that excludes cell C6 and D6 from the weighted average calculation (SOFI). How can I do...
  9. R

    vlookup, INDEX, or SUMPRODUCT???

    This hopefully comes through okay. I am looking to automate the information going into columns G and H. I highlighted the date ranges to make this a bit clearer. In the real world I will have "Source 2" with samples every 10 minutes. "Source 1" is just whenever a fault occurs. The goal is...
  10. A


    Hello, i have below data.. Customer Name Part No Sale Price Oct-23 (qty) Nov-23 (qty) Dec-23 (qty) ABC A 1.63 31200 15600 15600 ABC B 49.38 31200 15600 15600 ABC C 3.22 31200 15600 15600 XYZ A 1.63 9600 12000 0 XYZ B 49.38 9600 12000 0 XYZ C 3.22 9600 12000 0 SDF A 1.63 46800...
  11. R

    Sumproduct where minimum value applies

    I need to apply a minimum price to a sumproduct formula. If I multiply Qty x Price and the amount is less than £100 then a minimum price of £100 applies. I need this to be a solution with a sumproduct formula as I need to perform other calculations in the same cell with the result. Any help...
  12. K

    Sumproduct with 3 tables?

    Dear users, I am trying to do the following but have been unsuccessful therefore I seek your help; I have vendors who buy TVs from certain Towns. The top left table displays the quantities of TVs bought by each vendor who has a record of purchase while the bottom left table displays the...
  13. A

    sumproduct , data sum

    Hello Experts, i need to plan my purchase requirements , we have a multilevel Bill of materials & few components are manufactured inhouse , few are from external vendors , our vendor base is also global.. few components are common for more than 1 finished goods.. some components are required to...
  14. K

    Array SUM or SUMPRODUCT function error

    Hi! I have been working on implementing MRP Excel solution in a company I work for. I have already done one, and now I was working on a new more detailed system. My company prohibits me to install XLB2BB add-in so I will do my best to explain everything. First sheet 'ProdBOMs' contains Bill of...
  15. T


    Hi, I have a SUMPRODUCT and IF formula which works fine together but I am trying to merge this with an INDIRECT formula: =SUMPRODUCT(IF('No. 1'!$A$1:$A$500=E$4,'No.1'$E$1:$E$500*'No.1'$F$1:$F$500)) No.1 should be the contents of Cell A8, A9 etc. I've tried...
  16. E

    How do I get sum product to ignore empty cells to calculate the cost basis of shares?

    Which formula of sum product should I put in the column C cells to calculate the cost basis of shares, which ignores the empty cells in column B and so considers only the prices in column A by which the quantity in column B is entered? I tried to use the following formula, but it gives me the...
  17. R

    Sum with various criteria

    My question is in the image below which relates to a complex way to sum columns according to a number of criteria. I hope someone might be able to help
  18. K


    I am self taught and don't always know the right way to ask the questions to google. 2 days ago I posted my sumproduct formula and with help it worked perfectly. Now I am trying to add an IF for a zero return, (which is ok, I need the zeros to populate), but if it is not a zero, I need it to be...
  19. S

    Sumproduct to remove second stage calculation?

    Hi there, looking for some assistance in how to achieve a result without the added step. I have it in my head I can use Sumproduct but I may be wrong. Any assistance would be appreciated. Apologies, I'm on a works laptop and I don't have the ability to download/install the plugin or even attach...
  20. T

    VBA SUMPRODUCT - Date overlap when ID number is the same

    I am trying to find if same id numbers has an overlap in dates and I got the following. Can you please tell me where I went wrong?

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