web query

  1. S

    Web Query in VBA Loop through tables on page to choose get tags from table instead of text

    I have a macro to get the last working day of last month, to check if it's a bank holiday (UK, England) I tried to do with a web query, there are a few issues with it 1) It takes the text which Doesn't have the year is there any way to get the date from the row in html table on web page?, <time...
  2. G

    Web Query returns date instead of number

    Hi I have a web query which retrieves several columns of data. sometimes the data is in the following format like 28-06, or 04-20. When the data is inputted in to my spreadsheet it is written in date format, eg 28-June or April-20 respectively. I have tried pre-formatting cell before data...
  3. Y

    How to calculate data which is from web query

    I got stock price data (Yahoo Finance) from web query. When I click refresh it changes theres no problem about that but problem is I cant include that data in my calculations. For example lets say I pulled Tesla price and I want to multiply that price with 5, when I try that it says result is 5...
  4. G

    Web Query for Dam Murphy's.

    Hi. I am after advice. I use the web query feature at times on my spreadsheets. But when I do a web query for https://www.danmurphys.com.au/dm/home nothing comes up. is there a way around this? Is it just a change of settings? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. regards Ged
  5. A

    US Masters Live Query

    Was wondering has anyone a reliable source to Query the US Masters live scores but have them in day by day format? Running a little comp and wanted a reliable link, thanks in advance
  6. E

    VBA code to use a web query with the option to insert user name and password

    Hi I want to use the method of web query (Data-From web) and to get a vba code that can insert the user name + password to a url login page. I try but its not work for me. Need your help :) TNX
  7. P

    Extract Data from Web Query

    Hi Guys, So I have run a web Query using a .iqy text file which is pulling data from a popular cryptocurrency site called CoinMarketCap. I am using api links for individual coins in order to get there price is USD updated every minute to try and track in an excel ticker. An example of a url...
  8. M

    Maintain text qualifier while creating a Web Query on MAC

    There's a Web Query in my workbook created on Windows that doesn't work if the workbook is opened on MAC and results in an error if trying to refresh it via vba and does nothing otherwise. I came across a variant of the following code on stack overflow which works to import the data from the...
  9. B

    Web Query

    Good morning all, I would like to know how to set up a web query using excel. what are the best and simplest ways to do this?
  10. P

    How to download this data in one excel file but in multiple sheets ?

    I am trying to pull Historical data for derivatives into excel and keep running into a wall. https://www.nseindia.com/products/content/derivatives/equities/historical_fo.htm This is the link from where I wish to download the data into excel. I can pull the CSV file individually from the...
  11. M

    Refreshing web query creates #N/A in referencing cells

    Hi, I have a worksheet with one tab that has a web query retrieving data from an online table and another tab that uses a series of formulas that start by referencing the tab with the web queries. The order of the formulas is as follows: web query --> cells referencing the table created by...
  12. M

    How to implement an online calculator into an excel workbook

    Hello I want to implement an online calculator from a webside into an excel document. https://icmphilly.com/ortho-applications/prosthetic-joint-infection-pji-risk-calculator/ I want to be able to set those parameters in the excel document and get the points and the risk from the calculator...
  13. C

    VBA syntax question for Dynamic Web Query

    I am trying to update a Macro that I recorded so that content from the lines in the spreadsheet will update the web query target but have run into a a few errors. I've sorted through several of them but the current issue is a Runtime error. The following is the code for my query: Sub...
  14. S

    Advanced JSON Data Query with Web API (URL parts?)

    Hello, I'm using a Web API to retrieve tables of JSON data successfully into my spreadsheet. In the Query Editor window, there's an "applied steps" sequential list, featuring the first step, "source". Source is the actual web URL of the API itself. The dialog box for source allows entry of the...
  15. ca.moazzam

    Refresh exchange rates from Bank of Canada site in Excel file?

    Hello all, Bank of Canada recently redesigned its website from which I used to pull daily exchange rates and now refreshing my file doesn't work any more. I now need to first specify the currencies I need along with my target date on the new site and then it displays the target rates. If I...
  16. R

    VBA taking values from cells question

    Hi there I have written a web query to fetch information from a web page containing company address details. Each company has its own sub-page with a predictable URL, such that I now have a list of these urls for each company in question and these are arranged into a single row on my...
  17. M

    Missing data from table (web query)

    Hello I need to get data from this webpage: FIBA LiveStats. What I want is the boxscore info (individual stats) for both teams. Problem is, I can't get it "from web". The tables that I get in return are blank or null. Is there any way to get that information? Thank you!
  18. D

    VBA for large volume of refreshable Web Queries with a delay between

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> Hey all, I have a workbook I’ve used for 4 years on a Win 7 machine running Excel 2013 and recently bought a new computer running Win 10 and Excel 2016. One of the worksheets has...
  19. B

    Formula changes to #REF when pulling data from a web query!

    Hi all, This is my first post - sorry if this has been answered before (I'm guessing it has). I have an excel workbook with multiple sheets. "Sheet A" pulls data from an MLB website via web query. This updates daily and I have no issues with the data being imported. On "Sheet B", I pull...
  20. E

    web query properties

    Hi where can i found the properties of the built-in browser of the web query ? tnx eran

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