xml import

  1. D

    VBA Method of 'From XML Data Import'

    Hey everyone, I am using Excel 2016. I would like to apply VBA script to a button I have made which calls the existing Excel command found at Data>From Other Sources>From XML Data Import. Is this even possible? I am just trying to simplify things with a button so that the users of my workbook...
  2. D

    VBA to Import Multiple XML Files with FileDialog into an Excel table - more than one level of nodes

    Hi Folks, This is my first go out extracting *.xml order data into an excel table. Aim: to select a folder in FileDialog, and select/read multiple xml files to extract the order data into an excel table. Basic sales order structure in one xml file: Order 1 -----Order 1 details (customer...
  3. S

    Map is not exportable because it contains the following: Denormalized data

    I have created a following Schema in Dreamweaver to import multiple player name in cricket scoring software. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <CricketModel xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNameSpaceSchemaLocation="TCS_Players.xsd" version="">...
  4. M

    Refreshing XML overwrites existing data

    Hi, I have created an XML map to pull RSS feeds onto my spreadsheet. However, when I refresh the table, it overwrites the existing data. I don't want the older feeds to be overwritten. I would like to keep a track of all the feeds coming in over time. How do I avoid overwriting? I'm using...
  5. P

    XML-PDF Automatic Form Population from Excel Source - xfdf/ns1 Issue

    Hi guys, Thanks for taking the time to look at this question for me. The Situation I'm trying to automatically populate multiple .pdf's from my Excel source data. So far I've been successful with all of these forms, I have been using Foxit Reader to export the .xml data from the form and then...
  6. M

    From XML data import in Macintosh excel

    HiI was use an external web link in my windows excel to download latest changes in stock through:Data>From Other Sources>From XML Data ImportAnd The link is :http://members.tsetmc.com/tsev2/excel/MarketWatchPlus.aspx?d=0Does anyone has any idea that how can i use this link in Macintosh excel...
  7. H

    VBA XML- Import list of daily fx rates

    Hi everyone, All I want to do is to get specific information from a website as a list. Below code works just fine and creates list of daily FX rates. But in holidays (e.g. weekends and christmas) the page does not exist so those days are not listed. It lists only workdays. But I need to list...
  8. T

    Cannot access any connection properties when using XML Excel 2010

    Hi when running XML with RSS feeds I need to set the data connection to refresh when the work book is opened - however all the options in the connection properties are greyed out. Things I have tried: ensuring I'd enabled data connections in trust center, saving file to trusted location, all...
  9. J

    XML Import: Ignore invalid characters?

    I mapped an xml table from craigslist using Excel 2010 so I can stay up to date with posts that are created. It worked great for several days but now I am no longer able to refresh the data due to an error: "An XML error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again." "Click the...
  10. S

    XML import macro running slowly

    Hi all, I am a novice at vba and attempting to import xml files from various users (each with their own sub folder in a shared drive) to a workbook template used for generating reports. To do so, I am using Excel2013 and a vba macro sub. The project name, user names, file paths etc are...
  11. G

    XML parser loading into multiple XML maps with VBA

    I built an xml parser with excel. I wrote some vba (with help from this forum) to open a dialogue box to import my xml file. (code below) Currently it loads into a single xml map (Base_CRD_Map), but I want it to load into 6 xml maps all within one workbook and I'd like to know how to write a...
  12. A

    Excel VBA : How to parse an xml file and write in data then save it

    I am working on this since many days and am loosing much time on something supposed to be much more easier. I am very new and beginner on VB, VBA and XML.. am working on something like following: 1 - AN execl sheet with some cells where end user is asked to enter needed values; done 2 -...
  13. F

    Help to import XML files to Excel + mapping

    Hello, I have never imported or worked with XML files and I am now having to do so. My current situation is, I have a list of about 1.000 XML files that I would like to Import to Excel to make a Database. I did figure out through research and trial and error how to import the XML files into...
  14. Y

    Importing xml into Excel without the schema

    I need to import an xml document into Excel 2007 but the standard import xml data link is forcing me to accept a colour scheme (schema). I need to do a lot of work with the data is there an easy way of stripping the formatting out so the data sits in plain cells. Formatting it using the...
  15. D

    Import XML file stopped working after moving to Excel 2007

    Hi, My Excel worksheet to import xml file was working in Excel 2003, but when I moved to Excel 2007 I started getting this exception: Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range This is what I'm using: ====== Private Sub btn_importPROD_Click() '1. UNZIP - This part will unzip .ear file to...
  16. S

    How to Map XML elements to Multiple Excel cells

    Hi All, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I am trying to import XML data to different sheets in a workbook.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Is it possible to map an XML element to multiple individual cells and repeating cells in a...
  17. B

    How to extract XML from HTML, I think?

    Hello, I have a friend who is recieving a data dump & in a format that is not easily imported into excel. I think it's a mixture of HTML & XML. I would like to create a macro that will extract the XML from the other data. Here is a sample: Will anyone help me? Thank you.
  18. E

    convert xml file into excel sheet

    Hi, I am reasonably experienced at excel and VBA, but I have a requirement whereby I need to read (convert) an xml file into excel, make some changes to the data and update the xml with the new data. I have written some VBA to take an excel sheet and create the required xml. It's a bit...
  19. D

    XML Mapping

    Hi I need to write a Macro to import XML data into a spreadsheet. I will need to import upto 100 different xml forms into a spreadsheet from one location, but i can't seem to get the mapping to work in VBA Below is the bit i am having trouble with Dim mapContact As XmlMap Dim strXPath As...
  20. O

    XML Import in Excel

    Hi all, When we import an xml file to Excel file, the data is shown in the Excel in a formatted way and with Filter on. Is there any way to avoid that formatting and filter. The problem with this formatting is, even if I apply a formatting to the formatted column it doesn't get affected...

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