Here is my issure in a Nutshell,
Sam, Utility, 1 am
Paul, Utility, 3 am
Max, Production, 7 pm
Don, Production, 6 pm
assume that anywhere on the sheet Utility can be placed. The problem I have is because the sheet is not in a table I cant get the next name for 1am to be placed for Sam, John will appear in the next utility thats posted. As you can see the times can be duplicates.
Also each Utility has a criteria for a certian time in depending on where in the sheet it is. Meaning if you work before 2 am you will be in the upper left of the sheet and if you work after 2am you will be in the lower part of the sheet.
- I'm taking a Job 1, a Name, and a Time In and placing it into a Gantt chart, From that Gantt chart I need to place the data into a Form that I created in Excel. This form has no data table propeties so the information will have to be placed in random places based off Job type.
- This Form had this fromat Name (needs to be looked up), Job 1 (static), then time in (needs to be looked up). Its broken up as a floor plan so I know what loaction I have multiple job 1 types, and their entry times.
- It needs to be able to update with the gantt chart.
- Example;
Sam, Utility, 1 am
Paul, Utility, 3 am
Max, Production, 7 pm
Don, Production, 6 pm
assume that anywhere on the sheet Utility can be placed. The problem I have is because the sheet is not in a table I cant get the next name for 1am to be placed for Sam, John will appear in the next utility thats posted. As you can see the times can be duplicates.
Also each Utility has a criteria for a certian time in depending on where in the sheet it is. Meaning if you work before 2 am you will be in the upper left of the sheet and if you work after 2am you will be in the lower part of the sheet.