American Football Suicide Pool


New Member
Oct 3, 2006
OK, I swear I have searched up and down for all words nd phrases I can think of but I can't find how to do this. I am not and Excel expert in any fashion. But I think that what I am trying to do is fairly simple or at least would be for the experts here in this forum.

I would like to have a drop down list in every cell. The list is dynamic to the point that as each previous cell in the row is selected, the list removes that selection. So if the list has Apple, Orange, Banana, Lemon, Lime in it and for the first selection in the row (C2) Lemon is selected from the dropdown, then in (C3) the only choices are Apple, Orange, Banana, Lime.

Does that make sense? So it is for a Football pool that is a single elimination pool but you can't choose the same team twice. Each player obviously has their own set of teams but the team has to be removed from the list each week.

I searched for many iterations of how to describe this but came up with nothing similar to text conditional list removal per row. :(

I appreciate the site and the ability to be able to ask and search for these kinds of things online. How exactly did we get through life before the internet again?

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hi - welcome to the board!

"I would like to have a drop down list in every cell. "

With 16,777,216 cells on a single sheet, I think you're exaggerating!

Post back with info on:

1) how your sheet is set up & where exactly this data is to be entered
2) where the master list of teams is held
3) anything else your think might be relevant
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Very frustrating that everything anyone is looking for is probably someplace on the web but finding it is the challenge. Not knowing enough about Excel to know what to call what I'm looking for was the problem. Thank you for the link. I believe with my limited programming background I can modify this info to fit my needs.
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"I believe with my limited programming background I can modify this info to fit my needs."

& if you can't, post back with the details...
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OK, I got it to work for the first "player". Here's the layout:
ColA contains all players in the pool. Row1 contains all the weeks of the football season. So I modified the code on the link that Brian gave and got it changed from a column of data validation to a row of validation. It correctly reads the row 3 starting at C and ending at R and figures out which teams have already been picked by Player 1. The problem is that nuless there is some way to specify an array of cells for the formula to read from, I think I would have to do that procedure of creating a Validation list and an Array list for each player. There are 40+ of them.

I tried applying the formula to the entire range (which is shortened because the year has already gone four weeks into it) from G3 to R32 (some of the 40+ players are already out because they picked a losing team) but it is using the formula calculated off Row 3. Here is the formula I am using: =IF(COUNTIF(Suicide!$C$3:$R$3,A1)>=1,"",ROW()) That is applied on a different worksheet titled Teams that has the array formula as well. It is this: =IF(ROW(A1:A32)-ROW(A1)+1>COUNT(B1:B32),"",INDEX(A:A,SMALL(B1:B32,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&ROWS(A1:A32)))))).

This is getting long and complicated which you guys probably love but gives me a headache. Anyway, it would appear that if the values for $C$3:$R$3 could change based on something, dynamically, then it would work for all Players without having to do each player as a separate validation list. I mean after all the list of teams is static and the list of choices per player is restricted to the list of teams.

I'm close but I don't know the syntax of what I'm looking for. Any thoughts?
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