Application.ontime - still stuck :F


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:


I want to bring up a prompt whenever now() is equal to any of the date / time combinations in column L, regardless of where in the spreadsheet I am working. (or even better, regardless of which application I am working in). The spreadsheet will always be open...

I've tried this code in the workbook_SheetSelectionChange module, but it does not work & gives me an error:

If Application.OnTime = Sheets("Callback").Range("L25").Value Then
    MsgBox "Please contact " & Sheets("Callback").Range("B25").Value

Please can anyone help? Thanks

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Ok, i'm a step further....

I've added the following code into the worksheet_selectionchange area in each worksheet in my workbook:

If Sheets("Callback").Range("L25").Value <= Now() Then MsgBox "Please call back " & Sheets("Callback").Range("B25")

However, this is far from ideal as:
1) It wont work in other applications, only when a user is in excel and
2) It wont work in other workbooks, only within my workbook, and when they click on a different cell.....

Please can anyone help me with this? Thanks
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I've also come across a further problem. I can't get a date & time to concatinate into a tidy dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm format!

I have a calendar which would give me the dd/mm/yyyy part, and a cell that will hold the time value, but when I try to bring them together, Excel does not seem to store it correctly. Please can anyone help with this or the above please? Thanks
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Regarding the dates issue - if the date contains date alone (ie no time element) and the Time contains time alone (no date element) then you should simply be able to add the two together:


for example (and then format as required).

To get Excel to respond to events from another application is complicated and would presumably involve sub-classing/hooking into the Windows Messaging system. It is completely beyond me and I would think would need a professional VB developer to assist.
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Thanks Richard, that's helped with my date / time storage problem....

I'm hoping someone with knowledge of how excel / windows handles interrupts can help me!
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Hi guys,

I never actually resolved this. I've created a kind of workaround but it's not very good.....

I've put my code into a macro, and had the macro run whenever a user clicks any button, and put the macro into the worksheet_SelectionChange area of every worksheet, so it will work if the user clicks a button or changes a cell, but it will not come up automatically, and wont prompt with other applications or excel sheets.....

My macro code for info is:

If ThisWorkbook.Name <> "CRM 2.xls" Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
If Sheets("Callback").Range("L23").Value = "" Then Exit Sub
If Sheets("Callback").Range("L23").Value > Now() Then Exit Sub
If Sheets("Callback").Range("L23").Value <= Now() Then MsgBox "Please call back " & Sheets("Callback").Range("B23") & " from " & Sheets("Callback").Range("C23").Value & " on " & Sheets("Callback").Range("K23").Value
If Sheets("Callback").Range("L23").Value <= Now() Then Sheets("Callback").Visible = True
Set returnsheet = ActiveSheet
   Dim Sheet As Object
   For Each Sheet In Sheets
       If Not Sheet.Name = "Callback" Then
           Sheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
       End If
   Set Sheet = Nothing
    Ans = MsgBox("Do you wish to remove this appointment from the callback queue?", 4, "CRM Callback")
        If Ans = vbYes Then
            Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("L23"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
                OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
            returnsheet.Visible = True
            Sheets("Callback").Visible = False
            Exit Sub
        Else: Exit Sub
        End If
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