Auto Y Axis not working


Board Regular
Feb 12, 2005
Thanks for taking my question.

I am graphing data with a line chart (with markers displayed at each data value). I have the Y axis auto scale all checked. My Y values go from .4 to 1.2. My Minimum Y value is set at .4, but the minimum auto is on (so it shoudn't matter). On my graph, my Y Axis starts at 0, and goes to 1.2.

Why would it do this, and not start at around .4.

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In this case, you do not want Auto selected. You want to choose 0.4 as the minimum and have the Auto minimum box unchecked.
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Y axis not working


More info.....
I don't want to choose .4, becasue subsequent data might come in that is less than .4, and I want excel to automaticallly re-adjust the y axis of the graph.

The point is that I want the auto select to work for new data points, so I don't want to constrain it to any y-axis values.

Thanks for your help.
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My laptop blue-screened while I responded the first time, and I see the response was lost.

If your data set's minimum is less than about 5/6 of its maximum, Excel defaults to a minimum axis scale of zero. Not my idea of a good choice. In applications that matter, I calculate my own scale parameters and use VBA or complex formulas to apply them to the chart.
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