Automatic population of the formula from the cell above when inserting new cell


New Member
Sep 17, 2014

I am sorry to bother people with a question that has been asked a hundred times.
I have data in column D and Trim(D) in column E (column E is supposed to be hidden for users)
Therefore I need to make sure that if someone inserts a row in between - it will be filled up with formula from above, however cell reference will need to add 1..
I did look through other posts and tried to amend their codes, however, I was unsuccessful.
I imagine that logic would be something like: copy formula from the cell above (which is going to be Trim(D(n+1)) while there is a number in the respective D cell, otherwise exit that loop.
Could you please help me with the code?

Thank you for your time

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I think if you format the data into table then formulas will be automatically populated whenever there is new data inserted.
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I just did, but unfortunately when i tested - some of the duplicates have not been removed.. :( Any idea what could affect?

I think if you format the data into table then formulas will be automatically populated whenever there is new data inserted.
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I just did, but unfortunately when i tested - some of the duplicates have not been removed.. :( Any idea what could affect?


Let’s say you have data in column D and trim formula in column E.
Select column D & E > Go to Insert Table > select my data has headers > click ok
Now add value at the end of column D then you will have formula populated in column E.
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Thanks for your effort to help me out. :)
If you insert data at the very end of all data contained in column E - it works even if this is not a table.
However, you are right and it does populate formula if I insert a row in the middle of my data. But, the issue is when I tested removing duplicates - it missed one, that is the reason why I am not keen to use the table, since I am not sure what affected that number that hasn't been removed..

Let’s say you have data in column D and trim formula in column E.
Select column D & E > Go to Insert Table > select my data has headers > click ok
Now add value at the end of column D then you will have formula populated in column E.
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For a VBA solution, paste the following code into the code module corresponding to that worksheet:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim rang As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    If Target.Address Like "$#*:$#*" Then
        With Me
            On Error Resume Next
            Set rang = Intersect(.Columns("D"), .UsedRange)
            On Error GoTo 0
        End With
        If Not rang Is Nothing Then
            For Each cell In rang
                cell.Offset(0, 1).Formula = _
                    "=TRIM(" & cell.Address(False, False) & ")"
            Next cell
        End If
    End If
End Sub
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OMG! You are amazing :)
Thank you, it works, the only thing: i cannot undo or redo when inserting/removing rows...
Is there an easy solution for that?

Thank you
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