I have been building a series of macro spreadsheets that will keep track of our staffing numbers and save a new copy each week so we have a history of what has happened. The funny thing is the macros all work perfectly on my computer with out any issues at all, but my co-workers keep getting runtime errors about variables not being defined.
I went thru and defined all variables even though none of us have the require variable declaration option checked. But now I am still having some of my co-workers getting an error on this line of code
I had tried to declare that too but excel kept freezing up and crashing on me saying something about the variable not being validly defined or something.
The really really odd thing is the macro this piece of code is in happens to be inbedded in the actual comparison file as well as the master file that runs the whole show. If the macro is run out of the master file as part of a series of macros that is designed to do everything for you. My co-workers get the error. But if they run the macro by itself from the comparison file it works fine...???
So that's when I said ok fine I will just have my master file call the macro out of the comparison file but that is not working either.
I wrote this
But now it tells me the macro CHECKAGENTS can not be run from the Miramar SSCOE Schedule Comparison 060511.xlsm workbook because macros may be disabled. The comparison workbook is open and macros are not disabled so I am at a loss here.
The entire macro code that is screwing up is as follows.
And as you can see from the date I di not write this it was done long before I started. And as long as it is run from the module with in the workbook it was designed for it works fine but if the macro is run from another workbook's module it causes it to error out for my co-workers
Any help here is appreciated asI am at a total loss as to why it errors out for my co-workers and why it is telling me it can't run the macro from the Schedule Comparison file.
I went thru and defined all variables even though none of us have the require variable declaration option checked. But now I am still having some of my co-workers getting an error on this line of code
Range("C9996").Value = LTrim(Range("C9996").Value)
I had tried to declare that too but excel kept freezing up and crashing on me saying something about the variable not being validly defined or something.
The really really odd thing is the macro this piece of code is in happens to be inbedded in the actual comparison file as well as the master file that runs the whole show. If the macro is run out of the master file as part of a series of macros that is designed to do everything for you. My co-workers get the error. But if they run the macro by itself from the comparison file it works fine...???
So that's when I said ok fine I will just have my master file call the macro out of the comparison file but that is not working either.
I wrote this
DATE3 = Range("B1").Value
Application.Run "Miramar SSCOE Schedule Comparison " & DATE3 & ".xlsm!CHECKAGENTS"
But now it tells me the macro CHECKAGENTS can not be run from the Miramar SSCOE Schedule Comparison 060511.xlsm workbook because macros may be disabled. The comparison workbook is open and macros are not disabled so I am at a loss here.
The entire macro code that is screwing up is as follows.
' Looks at agents that are not on the old but are on the new and vice versa then adds them to the reference sheet.
' Macro recorded 8/9/2006 by ccccej
Sheets("Old Schedule").Select
Sheets("Old Schedule").Range("Q4:R10004").Select
Sheets("Reference Sheet").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=True, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Range("C9996").Value = LTrim(Range("C9996").Value)
Range("C9997").Value = LTrim(Range("C9997").Value)
Range("C9998").Value = LTrim(Range("C9998").Value)
Range("C9999").Value = LTrim(Range("C9999").Value)
Range("C10000").Value = LTrim(Range("C10000").Value)
Range("C10001").Value = LTrim(Range("C10001").Value)
Range("C10002").Value = LTrim(Range("C10002").Value)
Range("C10003").Value = LTrim(Range("C10003").Value)
Range("C10004").Value = LTrim(Range("C10004").Value)
Range("C10005").Value = LTrim(Range("C10005").Value)
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("C5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Sheets("New Schedule").Select
Sheets("New Schedule").Range("Q4:R10004").Select
Sheets("Reference Sheet").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=True, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("F5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Range("F9996").Value = LTrim(Range("F9996").Value)
Range("F9997").Value = LTrim(Range("F9997").Value)
Range("F9998").Value = LTrim(Range("F9998").Value)
Range("F9999").Value = LTrim(Range("F9999").Value)
Range("F10000").Value = LTrim(Range("F10000").Value)
Range("F10001").Value = LTrim(Range("F10001").Value)
Range("F10002").Value = LTrim(Range("F10002").Value)
Range("F10003").Value = LTrim(Range("F10003").Value)
Range("F10004").Value = LTrim(Range("F10004").Value)
Range("F10005").Value = LTrim(Range("F10005").Value)
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("F5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
And as you can see from the date I di not write this it was done long before I started. And as long as it is run from the module with in the workbook it was designed for it works fine but if the macro is run from another workbook's module it causes it to error out for my co-workers
Any help here is appreciated asI am at a total loss as to why it errors out for my co-workers and why it is telling me it can't run the macro from the Schedule Comparison file.