I have Excel 2010. I have read multiple solutions about combining multiple workbooks containing multiple worksheets into one. The problem is that each worksheet has well-defined data in cells A1 thru G100. Well, I dont have that. I have data that starts in various cells on each WS (a100:F250 on Worksheet1, then the data on worksheet2 is in range A150:F500... and on and on.) The only thing I have in common is a start title of the section of data I want and the end title. for example:
Worksheet 1
Call Data Start:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
row 100: Call # Date Number Duration Time Cost
101 1 2011/01/01 1234 04:0:21 14:44 10,23
102 2 2011/02/01 3456 0:01:11 16:21 05,23
Call Data End:
Worksheet 2
Call Data Start:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
row 45: Call # Date Number Duration Time Cost
46 1 2011/01/03 5434 02:10:32 10:44 0,23
47 2 2011/02/04 2256 0:02:15 21:21 23,13
Call Data End:
I have over 500 worksheets in two workbooks that contain call detail data. I need to merge them into one sheet in one workbook. Is that possible when the data is located in different rows on the different worksheets? I hope this makes sense?
Worksheet 1
Call Data Start:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
row 100: Call # Date Number Duration Time Cost
101 1 2011/01/01 1234 04:0:21 14:44 10,23
102 2 2011/02/01 3456 0:01:11 16:21 05,23
Call Data End:
Worksheet 2
Call Data Start:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F
row 45: Call # Date Number Duration Time Cost
46 1 2011/01/03 5434 02:10:32 10:44 0,23
47 2 2011/02/04 2256 0:02:15 21:21 23,13
Call Data End:
I have over 500 worksheets in two workbooks that contain call detail data. I need to merge them into one sheet in one workbook. Is that possible when the data is located in different rows on the different worksheets? I hope this makes sense?