multiple workbooks

  1. F

    Multiple workbooks with multiple sheets in each

    I am trying to write/find VBA code that can consolidate multiple workbooks that have multiple sheets into 1 larger file. Each file/workbook is called by the month it was generated in. Each sheet (and there are 12) are called in numberical order: 1, 2, 3, 4.... 12. Each sheet has different...
  2. L

    Copy Subtotals from Source Workbook to Current Workbook

    Hello helpful peeps! Here is what I have: Workbook1 = Consolidation Sheet1 = Annuity Sheet2 = Annuity Adj (will be hidden) Workbook2 = Variable Name Sheet1 = Remit (Variable rows) Sheet2 = Adjust (Variable rows) I have current code that sets up the Annuity and Annuity Adj worksheets in the...
  3. R

    Multiple workbooks and extracting data

    Hello, I have multiple workbooks and they have approximately 25 sheets in each of them. I need to extract same data from each of them. The data is always in the same cell and sheet. I need to extract data to one new workbook. What is the easiest way to do this? EDIT: Also I need to extract...
  4. C

    VBA coding to Vlookup from multiple workbooks

    Hi, I have a question regarding how to create a VBA coding to Vlookup from multiple workbooks. However, if there is no value in the Vlookup, the destination column does not change into "N/A". Hence, I want it to keep it as it is. Here's the coding that I have made: Sub...
  5. M

    Make mandatory cells before closing (saving) for multiple workbooks

    I have to make a few hundred forms to various e-mail addresses, but I would like to prevent empty answers. I used "Data Validation" option (unchecked "ignore blank"), but you must enter the cell to activate this, if you don't enter you will not trigger validation. I tried to find the VBA code...
  6. O

    VBA Extracting Data from multiple workbooks, with varying sheet names

    Hi All, I am looking for vba code that allows me to collate data from varying excel workbooks, however there are multiple sheet names within each workbook (of varying amounts) and the sheet names are different. I need to collect the raw data from these workbooks which do not always follow a set...
  7. S

    SUMIFS across multiple workbooks only works when workbooks are open.

    I have multiple workbooks (separate retailers) that I need to pull information from into one bigger workbook for reporting purposes. I need the formula to calculate the date range and the product name from the retailer's workbook. The SUMIFS formula works but ONLY if I have all of the...
  8. S

    Finding values within a row, replacing with other values if match

    Hi, I'm very new to this, so my apologies. I've tried searching for the answer with no luck, although I'm sure this has been answered many times, I just don't know the correct search parameters. Basically, I want to search a row, if data matches in another workbook, then replace with data...
  9. S

    Multiple Copy and paste from closed workbooks in sequence

    I have in total 5 excel workbooks. Workbook 5 has the VBA code. Workbooks 1-4 have the same sheet names but with different content. I do have the below code to import 2 sheets from workbook 1 into workbook 5. Is there any way I can look for the the next blank cell in workbook 5 and import the...
  10. R

    Retrieve specific cell data from multiple workbooks

    Hello, I have a register of workbooks. The register is created by using power query That retrieved all well files within a folder and sub folders. Each workbook contain some information that will be useful to have in register as well. the register contains workbook name. Workbook path...
  11. O

    Look through a list in one workbook, find those values in multiple other workbooks and delete rows when found

    Hi, I'm very new to VBA and looking for help with this task. I have a list of 50 or so reference numbers - I need to search for these references in 120 different workbooks and where I find any of those references, delete the entire row from that workbook. Can anyone help? Thanks
  12. U

    Help VBA code for Consolidating multiple workbooks into a masterfile

    Hi please me create a VBA code for consolidating multiple workbooks into 1 worksheet or master file. I have multiple workbooks saved in location: C:\Users\Files = (all workbooks has random filename) Each workbooks has only a single sheet with different sheet name I wanted to only consolidate...
  13. J

    Consolidate multiple workbooks with multiple sheets into a Masterfile; maintaining sheet names and Summation of values

    Hi. I have multiple workbooks with multiple sheets. The workbooks each have the same layout and sheet names. What's different would be the values in each tab. I have a master workbook, same number of sheets with sheet names, etc. which I would like to be updated with the *summation* of the...
  14. S

    New Table from Existing Tables

    Hi; Looking for best way to do this task and somewhat foolproof, I have main workbook which should lookup data in multiple sheets from multiple workbooks and place the rows in which the lookup cell has a specified color. Regards;
  15. U

    HELP! Consolidating Multiple Workbooks into One - the easiest way

    Hi Guys, I would to ask a suggestion if what is the easiest way to consolidate multiple workbooks into one without using Ablebits function. Is it possible to have a code for macro on this? or is there another way? Need your help on this for work related concern. The faster the easier, the better.
  16. N

    Conflicts in coding between different workbooks

    Background: (Maybe I'm supposed to say this somewhere else, but I can't find an introductions thread.) I'm new here. I've used this site for years, found many answers here, but this is my first time posting. The work I do with Excel (these days) is for my own use and I'm not brand new but still...
  17. dreen

    Copying Data over from one workbook to another issue

    I have two workbooks for my code, one is a database (The "Changes" sheet in my example) and the other is an input sheet "(Codename "Sheet1" as my code is being written inside this workbook where Sheet1 is). I am trying to have the code check if the value of certain cells in column "K' of Sheet 1...
  18. R

    Help with retrieving data from multiple workbooks - VBA for an amateur

    Hello, Could someone please offer some guidance in the VBA code Ihave pasted below, Im definitely an amateur user who needs alot of help but ivemanaged to cobble together some code by joining other peoples solutionstogether. The VBA i have used works fine but I cannot figure out how to patchin...
  19. A

    VBA to search multiple values and multiple workbooks and return filename where found

    I am attempting to create a tool where I input a list of values (20-25 as I don't want the code to take forever) and then Excel does a search across multiple workbooks and for each value in the list and returns what workbook it is located in and where it is within that workbook. On another page...
  20. dannyok90

    VBA Filter in External Workbook

    Hi all, Im trying to use the following code to open a workbook filter sheet 2 by column b with "5124" and column C with "Job numer:" "Parent Job:" "Project Director:" "Client:" "Totals for Job" Then paste the result in the original active workbook. I havent got as far as the copying and...

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