Hi All:
I was wondering if VBA or Excel has the capability to add and total Row Height or Pixels? For example I have my Rows set to a height of 14.25 (19 pixels). My Range that I am working with is A2:T41 for a TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of 570 (40 Rows X 14.25) and 760 Pixels (40 X 19).
What I would like to accomplish is that once the TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of my Range reaches 570 then Row 1 appears. If the TOTAL is less then 570 then Row 1 remains Hidden.
Does anyone know IF and HOW this can be done? I need this due to the fact that the Rows will Autosize and I need to have my header Row appear. I can't just Freeze Row 1 because my actual Headers are on Row 16.
Hope this makes sense and hope that someone has a solution.
Bye 4 Now,
I was wondering if VBA or Excel has the capability to add and total Row Height or Pixels? For example I have my Rows set to a height of 14.25 (19 pixels). My Range that I am working with is A2:T41 for a TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of 570 (40 Rows X 14.25) and 760 Pixels (40 X 19).
What I would like to accomplish is that once the TOTAL ACCUMULATED ROW HEIGHT of my Range reaches 570 then Row 1 appears. If the TOTAL is less then 570 then Row 1 remains Hidden.
Does anyone know IF and HOW this can be done? I need this due to the fact that the Rows will Autosize and I need to have my header Row appear. I can't just Freeze Row 1 because my actual Headers are on Row 16.
Hope this makes sense and hope that someone has a solution.
Bye 4 Now,