I have a formula that looks across every 9th column and if there is a "1" in any of them it returns a "1" as a value, otherwise a zero.
Here is that array formula:
I am programming the formula using VBA. You will notice the hard coded "5" in the formula, that is the formula for row 5. I currently use a VBA loop to set the formula for 1000 rows and change the row number each time. With 100 records its not so bad, with 1000 it is too slow. I wanted to change the "5" to use the ROW() function, then the formula would be the same for all rows and I could set the formula using a VBA range, but if I put ROW() in place of the row number "5" it causes a #Value error.
Can anyone suggest an improvement?
Here is that array formula:
I am programming the formula using VBA. You will notice the hard coded "5" in the formula, that is the formula for row 5. I currently use a VBA loop to set the formula for 1000 rows and change the row number each time. With 100 records its not so bad, with 1000 it is too slow. I wanted to change the "5" to use the ROW() function, then the formula would be the same for all rows and I could set the formula using a VBA range, but if I put ROW() in place of the row number "5" it causes a #Value error.
Can anyone suggest an improvement?