Cell view real time.

Excel Facts

Quick Sum
Select a range of cells. The total appears in bottom right of Excel screen. Right-click total to add Max, Min, Count, Average.
Sorry.. This is a great site don't get me wrong, however, sometimes I think the topics scroll too fast and therefore questions are missed.. correct me if I'm wrong but I know I posted a couple of questions and seen that it was like the 5th question down in a matter of seconds.. I also think that people don't often go to the following pages as figured that questions have already been resolved...
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easy solution is simply to post a reply to your own thread, thereby "bumping" it up to the top. the etiquette question is how long you wait for a reply. I would suggest that anything much sooner than about 12 hours is hastey - plenty of people here deliberately use the 'zero replies' option to check for unanswereed posts that are disappearing into the ether.

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Tim as far as I am aware you can only show real time with a recalculate routine which path I have been down before and had significant help from Tom Urtis and Ivan F Moala (I don't think I have thanked them enough for this help :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ). I tried finding the original post but it has been archived but I do have a hard copy which I can replicate if you want - there is a caveat in using Application.Ontime as you must open it and shut it down properly otherwise you will find the spreadsheet reopening on you even after you have closed it. The other problem is if you have a spreadsheet that takes forever to calculate this can become a real pain.
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On 2002-10-15 16:28, PaddyD wrote:
easy solution is simply to post a reply to your own thread, thereby "bumping" it up to the top. the etiquette question is how long you wait for a reply. I would suggest that anything much sooner than about 12 hours is hastey - plenty of people here deliberately use the 'zero replies' option to check for unanswereed posts that are disappearing into the ether.


Paddy, I notice students (not having a dig at you Tim) who have an assignment to do and left it till the last minute to ask for help regularily bump their post to the top by pleading every 2 minutes for a response. Seems to work for them though.
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On 2002-10-15 16:58, PaddyD wrote:
doesn't mean they should do it though :)

agreed, used to irritate me but then I got perverse pleasure out of watching and waiting to see them squirm trying to get an answer :biggrin:
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Here's one way to put a timer in a cell.
There are plenty of other ways, but this
will get you looking along these lines.

Post back if unsure;

<PRE><FONT color=#008000>'// Place this code in the Thisworkbook object module

Private Sub<FONT color=blue> Workbook</FONT>_Open()

<FONT color=#008000>'// Format the cell as required
<FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A1").NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss"


<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>

Private Sub<FONT color=blue> Workbook</FONT>_BeforeClose(Cancel <FONT color=blue>As</FONT> <FONT color=blue>Boolean</FONT>)


<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>

<FONT color=#008000>'// Place this code in a STD Module
<FONT color=blue>Option Explicit</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>T

<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>StartTimer()

T = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")

Application.OnTime T, "Update"

<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>Update()

<FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A1").Value = Now

<FONT color=blue>Call</FONT> StartTimer

<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>StopTimer()

<FONT color=blue>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=blue>Resume </FONT><FONT color=blue>Next</FONT>

Application.OnTime T, Procedure:="Update", Schedule:=False

<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>
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