I have sheet 2 that I input information into. Sheet 2 information is copied into Sheet 1, but when the information is displayed in sheet 1
my macro does copy from sheet 1 to sheet2. your requirement is from sheet 2 to sheet1. I am sure you will be able modify this macro for this.
I would like it to color the background a different color for each different text that is inputted in sheet 2.
dont do conditionfal fomatting. use a new macro given below
If you dont want that BOLD format
remove the line
use this other macro for coloring
Sub coloring()
Dim rng As Range, c As Range
Set rng = Range([a1], [a1].End(xlDown))
For Each c In rng
If c = "test" Then c.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
If c = "speak" Then c.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
End Sub
you have not told whether you want only that cell to be colored or the entire row.
I presume you want only the cell containing text like "test" to be colored;.
If you want entire row to be colored change the line
If c = "test" Then c.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex =
if you want actual numbers for different colors
in the vbeditor see help under "PatternColorIndex Property"
I wonder whether human eye can distinguish 20 colors.
In embedded if you cannot have more than seven ifs. but here ifs are not embedded so I think you can have 20 ifs. anyhow experiment.
I am sure you are familiar with macro codes and you will be able to modify to suit your needs. only skeleton macros are given.