I've recorded a macro that deals with scatter plot graph.
This macro simply changes the name of the series and data range to plot.
However, my question is:
How do I view the chart property which states its name (like "Chart 1")?
Moreover, is it possible for me to change the names?
Thank you very much in advance,
I've recorded a macro that deals with scatter plot graph.
Sheet1.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
.Name = "=""Data"""
.XValues = "=a.xlsm'!scatterX"
.Values = "=a.xlsm'!scatterY"
End With
This macro simply changes the name of the series and data range to plot.
However, my question is:
How do I view the chart property which states its name (like "Chart 1")?
Moreover, is it possible for me to change the names?
Thank you very much in advance,