check if within a closed workbook, any sheet is named=hello


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Mar 20, 2005
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Hi and many thanks in advance!!

Here is my query:

Is it possible to check within a closed workbook, if any of the sheets within the closed file, is named=hello, without having to open the file?

I know how to do it when opening the file, but without?

eg: if the file is named qaz.xls

when is open, this does the job:

Dim X As Single
    For X = 1 To Workbooks(("qaz.xls").Sheets.Count
        If LCase(Workbooks("qaz.xls").Sheets(X).Name) = "hello" Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Next X

but when closed?

the reason why I don't want to open the file is because, I have to check for every file within a folder, and the folder could have >250 files.

usually hello is always the first sheet, "usually but not 100%"
and because some files are >450kb.

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What's the problem with opening the workbooks?

You could easily write code that opens every workbook in a directory, then checks if they have a sheet called hello.

Then you could do whatever you need with the workbook.
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the reason why I don't want to open the file is because:

I have to check for every file within a folder, and the folder could have >250 files.
last month 314 files.
4 months ago 1120 files.

usually hello is always the first sheet, "usually but not 100%"

some files size is over 450kb. because some files number of sheets is from 1 "just a few of then" to X "ranking X from 1 to maeby 900, 300,45,89,35 sheets, Is impossible to know, every file is different"

and opening the files slows the macro to much.

I would like to know if is possible how.

At pesent, i am opening the files, but... I have to keep doing it, or there is one other way?

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Norie said:
You could easily write code that opens every workbook in a directory, then checks if they have a sheet called hello.
Did you not see this part of my post?
Sub GetFilesWithHelloWS()
Const MyFolder = "C:\MyFolder\"
Dim I As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
    With Application.FileSearch
        .LookIn = MyFolder
        .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
        LastRow = .FoundFiles.Count
        For I = 1 To LastRow
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(.FoundFiles(I))
            For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                 If UCase(ws.Name) = "HELLO" Then
                    MsgBox wb.Name & " contains a worksheet called Hello"
                    Exit For
                 End If
            Next ws
        Next I
    End With
End Sub
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Norie said:
Norie said:
You could easily write code that opens every workbook in a directory, then checks if they have a sheet called hello.
Did you not see this part of my post?
Sub GetFilesWithHelloWS()
Const MyFolder = "C:\MyFolder\"
Dim I As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
    With Application.FileSearch
        .LookIn = MyFolder
        .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
        LastRow = .FoundFiles.Count
        For I = 1 To LastRow
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(.FoundFiles(I))
            For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                 If UCase(ws.Name) = "HELLO" Then
                    MsgBox wb.Name & " contains a worksheet called Hello"
                    Exit For
                 End If
            Next ws
        Next I
    End With
End Sub

no, I did not see.

Your first post did not have any code.


the code you are sending me, is almost a replica of the code I am using.
the macro I am using is almost the same you have. but I don't need this.

I already have this.

this is not my query.

I would like to know if there is one other way to accomplish the task without opening the workbooks. if there is a way to check if a closed workbook, contains a sheet named "hello".


Thanks anyway!
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As far as I know there isn't.

By the way I wasn't referring to code, I was referring to the quote.:)

What is the actual problem? Is it just a time/performance issue?

Perhaps you could post your whole code?
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Verifying sheet name without opening file

Hi drom

I just tried a trick and it seems to work. Write the following formula in an open worksheet "=fullpath-filename-sheetname-cellreference" for each closed file (eg ='C:\Prem\MrExcel\[Trial2.xls]Hello'!$A$1). If formula results in #REF! then sheet doen't exist else it exists.

Try this one and automate it.


Prem, Mauritius
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I don't get it, neither link answers your original question.
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