I'm recording a macro.
In the macro I need to copy some data, paste it into another sheet.
Then I am selecting a new range and wish to paste it below where the 1st range was pasted (with a gap of one line in between)
With my 1st pasted range still highlighted what do I do (the bottom line is row 100) I wish to paste in row 102.
If I click on row 102 and paste. When I run the macro it always pastes into row 102.
In the macro I need to copy some data, paste it into another sheet.
Then I am selecting a new range and wish to paste it below where the 1st range was pasted (with a gap of one line in between)
With my 1st pasted range still highlighted what do I do (the bottom line is row 100) I wish to paste in row 102.
If I click on row 102 and paste. When I run the macro it always pastes into row 102.