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I have a block of code that opens and closes a registry key to find a piece of information that determines the user's location so that it can select the appropriate filepath when openeing a data file. It works fine in Windows XP with Office 2002 and 2007, but doesn't work in 32 or 64 bit versions of Windows 7 with Excel 2010.
Can anyone tell me what I need to change to get this working?
Thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me what I need to change to get this working?
'\* Module Level Constant Declarations follow...
Private Const cvarRegistrySize = 1
Private Const cvarHkeyLocalMachine = &H80000002
Private Const cvarKeyQueryValue = &H20019
'\* Private API Function Declarations follow...
Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
'\* Dimension variables at module level...
Private strSearchKey As String
Private strRegion As String
Private intCharLen As Integer
Private intSubChar As Integer
Private lngRegKey As Long
Private lngSizeVar As Long
Private lngReturnCode As Long
'* Function to extract the current region from the registry *
Function GETREGION() As String
'\* registry key for user's location...
strSearchKey = "SOFTWARE\CompanyName\LogonProcess"
'\* open registry key...
lngReturnCode = RegOpenKeyEx(cvarHkeyLocalMachine, strSearchKey, 0, cvarKeyQueryValue, lngRegKey) 'returns 2
'\* return value from specified key...
strSearchKey = "CurrentLocation"
'\* return section of string from specified key...
strRegion = String(20, 32)
'\* returns the length of the string...
lngSizeVar = Len(strRegion) - 1
'\* query the registry key...
lngReturnCode = RegQueryValueEx(lngRegKey, strSearchKey, 0, cvarRegistrySize, ByVal strRegion, lngSizeVar) 'returns 6
'\* close the registry key...
Call RegCloseKey(lngRegKey)
'\* select the location from the string...
lngReturnCode = GETSTR(GETREGION, strRegion, 1, vbNullChar)
'\* return result to function as uppercase...
End Function
'* Function to extract a section from a string from a given start position *
'* up to a specified character. *
Function GETSTR(strX As String, strY As String, intStartPos As Integer, intSearchChar As String) As Integer
'\* initialisation of variables follows...
GETSTR = intStartPos
strX = ""
intCharLen = Len(strY)
intSubChar = intStartPos
'\* if comparison character at start position then leave function with empty extracted string... *
If Mid(strY, intStartPos, 1) = intSearchChar Then Exit Function
'\* begin loop...
'\* create integer value based on character positions...
strX = strX + Mid(strY, intSubChar, 1)
'\* increment counter...
intSubChar = intSubChar + 1
'\* if counter exceeds string length, exit loop...
If intSubChar > intCharLen Then Exit Do
'\* define loop conditions...
Loop Until Mid(strY, intSubChar, 1) = intSearchChar
'\* return character position to function...
GETSTR = intSubChar
End Function