Code To Copy Highlighted Row Insert & Add A, B etc On End Of Data In C


Well-known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I need a code that when I highlight a row(s) it copies and inserts the row beneath and adds A & B to the end of data in C.

In the sample below if I highlight all three rows the data in C is different in C so I will need a total of 6 rows with A & B on the end in as the result

Excel Workbook
12MZC1820 2001datadatadatadata
13MZC1820 3001datadatadatadata
14MZC1820 4001datadatadatadata


Excel Workbook
12MZC1820 2001Adatadatadatadatadatadatadata
13MZC1820 2001Bdatadatadatadatadatadatadata
14MZC1820 3001Adatadatadatadatadatadatadata
15MZC1820 3001Bdatadatadatadatadatadatadata
16MZC1820 4001Adatadatadatadatadatadatadata
17MZC1820 4001Bdatadatadatadatadatadatadata


Excel Facts

What is the fastest way to copy a formula?
If A2:A50000 contain data. Enter a formula in B2. Select B2. Double-click the Fill Handle and Excel will shoot the formula down to B50000.
I have the code below that does a similar thing apart from adding the A's etc on the end.

I highlight the rows I want copied and inserted and a pop up box asks me how many times I want it copied and inserted. Could it be amended so that if I select 3 times then it puts A-D at the end of the data in C on the 4 rows or if i select 2 then A, B & C is added, if I just select 1 then A is added to the existing row and B onto the new row and so on...

Sub CopyAndInsertRow()
'Copies selected rows and inserts amount you want entered in input box, then sorts by column C.
    Set mySource = Selection.EntireRow
selectedrowscount = mySource.Rows.Count
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
X = mySource.Row
Dim t
t = InputBox("Enter Number Of Times Selected Row(s) To Be Copied.", "Number of Copies", 1)
If t = 0 Or t = "" Then Exit Sub
Y = X + t * selectedrowscount - 1
Rows(X & ":" & Y).Insert Shift:=xlDown
With ActiveSheet.Sort
    .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("C1"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .SetRange Rows(X & ":" & Y + selectedrowscount)
    .Header = xlNo
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
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Upvote 0
Please test this. Do you want the result sorted?

Sub CopyAndInsertRow()
Dim src As Range, x&, y&, t, cnt%, i%, j%, lr%, chc%, rv
Set src = Selection.EntireRow
t = InputBox("Enter Number Of Times Selected Row(s) To Be Copied.", "Number of Copies", 1)
If t = 0 Or t = "" Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To src.Rows.Count
    chc = 65                ' A
    lr = Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    src.Cells(i, 3).Value = src.Cells(i, 3).Value & Chr(chc)
    For j = 0 To t - 1
        chc = chc + 1
        Range("c" & (lr + j)).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
        rv = Range("c" & (lr + j)).Value
        Range("c" & (lr + j)).Value = Left(rv, Len(rv) - 1) & Chr(chc)

Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Upvote 0
Yes please sorted by column c. When I tried it an error came up saying 'overflow'?
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Hi.. try this..

I wasn't 100% sure about this:
if I select 3 times then it puts A-D at the end of the data in C on the 4 rows or if i select 2 then A, B & C is added, if I just select 1 then A is added to the existing row and B onto the new row and so on...


I just adapted Mr Worfs code.. in this case.. select the required cells and press CommandButton1..

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim src As Range, x&, y&, t, cnt%, i%, j%, lr%, chc%, rv
Set src = Selection.EntireRow
t = InputBox("Enter Number Of Times Selected Row(s) To Be Copied.", "Number of Copies", 1)
If t = 0 Or t = "" Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To src.Rows.Count
    chc = 65                ' A
    lr = Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Select Case t
    Case 1
    src.Cells(i, 3).Value = src.Cells(i, 3).Value & Chr(chc)
     For j = 0 To t - 1
        chc = chc + 1
        Range("c" & (lr)).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
        rv = Range("c" & (lr)).Value
        Range("c" & (lr + j)).Value = Left(rv, Len(rv) - 1) & Chr(chc)
    Case 2
    Range("c" & (lr)).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
        rv = Range("c" & (lr)).Value
        Range("c" & (lr + j)).Value = Left(rv, Len(rv)) & Join(Array(Chr(65), Chr(66), Chr(67)), "")
    Case 3
        Range("c" & (lr)).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
        rv = Range("c" & (lr)).Value
        Range("c" & (lr + j)).Value = Left(rv, Len(rv)) & Join(Array(Chr(65), Chr(66), Chr(67), Chr(68)), "")
    End Select

Range("C2").CurrentRegion.Sort _
      key1:=Range("C1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Initial Data: To test - select C2:G4
<b>Sheet1</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Calibri,Arial; font-size:11pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:135px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:140px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >A</td><td >B</td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td><td >F</td><td >G</td></tr><tr style="height:64px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >Header1</td><td >Header2</td><td >Header3</td><td >Header4</td><td >Header5</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 2001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 3001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 4001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr></table> <br />Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4

After 1 is Selected in InputBox:
<b>Sheet1</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Calibri,Arial; font-size:11pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:135px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:140px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >A</td><td >B</td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td><td >F</td><td >G</td></tr><tr style="height:64px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >Header1</td><td >Header2</td><td >Header3</td><td >Header4</td><td >Header5</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 2001A</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 2001B</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 3001A</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >5</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 3001B</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >6</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 4001A</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >7</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 4001B</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr></table> <br />Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4

After 2 is Selected in InputBox:
<b>Sheet1</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Calibri,Arial; font-size:11pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:135px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:140px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >A</td><td >B</td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td><td >F</td><td >G</td></tr><tr style="height:64px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >Header1</td><td >Header2</td><td >Header3</td><td >Header4</td><td >Header5</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 2001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 2001ABC</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 3001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >5</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 3001ABC</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >6</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 4001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >7</td><td > </td><td > </td><td >MZC1820 4001ABC</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr></table> <br />Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4

After 3 is Selected in InputBox:
<b>Sheet1</b><br /><br /><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Calibri,Arial; font-size:11pt; background-color:#ffffff; padding-left:2pt; padding-right:2pt; "> <colgroup><col style="font-weight:bold; width:30px; " /><col style="width:135px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:140px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /><col style="width:64px;" /></colgroup><tr style="background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; "><td > </td><td >C</td><td >D</td><td >E</td><td >F</td><td >G</td></tr><tr style="height:64px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >1</td><td >Header1</td><td >Header2</td><td >Header3</td><td >Header4</td><td >Header5</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >2</td><td >MZC1820 2001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >3</td><td >MZC1820 2001ABCD</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >4</td><td >MZC1820 3001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >5</td><td >MZC1820 3001ABCD</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >6</td><td >MZC1820 4001</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr><tr style="height:18px ;" ><td style="font-size:8pt; background-color:#cacaca; text-align:center; " >7</td><td >MZC1820 4001ABCD</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td><td >data</td></tr></table> <br />Excel tables to the web - Excel Jeanie Html 4
Upvote 0
No sorry, you misunderstand. If 3 is selected in the input box I need the row(s) I have highlighted copied and inserted below 3 times with A, B, C & D at the end of the data in C on each row.



12DataDataMZC1820 2001DataDataDataDataData
13DataDataMZC1820 3001DataDataDataDataData
14DataDataMZC1820 4001DataDataDataDataData

<COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"><COL style="WIDTH: 90px"><COL style="WIDTH: 80px"><COL style="WIDTH: 119px"><COL style="WIDTH: 72px"><COL style="WIDTH: 88px"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"></COLGROUP><TBODY>

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie Html" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

After selecting 3 in input box


12DataDataMZC1820 2001ADataDataDataDataData
13DataDataMZC1820 2001BDataDataDataDataData
14DataDataMZC1820 2001CDataDataDataDataData
15DataDataMZC1820 2001DDataDataDataDataData
16DataDataMZC1820 3001ADataDataDataDataData
17DataDataMZC1820 3001BDataDataDataDataData
18DataDataMZC1820 3001CDataDataDataDataData
19DataDataMZC1820 3001DDataDataDataDataData
20DataDataMZC1820 4001ADataDataDataDataData
21DataDataMZC1820 4001BDataDataDataDataData
22DataDataMZC1820 4001CDataDataDataDataData
23DataDataMZC1820 4001DDataDataDataDataData

<COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"><COL style="WIDTH: 120px"><COL style="WIDTH: 80px"><COL style="WIDTH: 119px"><COL style="WIDTH: 72px"><COL style="WIDTH: 88px"><COL style="WIDTH: 42px"></COLGROUP><TBODY>

Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie Html" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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I tried your code to see what happened anyway apo and i also got the 'overflow' error?
Upvote 0

I don't get an overflow error.. btw.. I also didn't get an overflow error when i tried Worfs code as it is.. so not sure what's going on there..

This works (modified version after clarification) here and does what you show..

Note again.. most of it is Worfs code.. :)

 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim src As Range, x&, y&, t, cnt%, i%, j%, lr%, chc%, rv

    Set src = Selection.EntireRow
    t = InputBox("Enter Number Of Times Selected Row(s) To Be Copied.", "Number of Copies", 1)
    If t = 0 Or t = "" Then Exit Sub
    For i = 1 To src.Rows.Count
        chc = 65                ' A
        src.Cells(i, 3).Value = src.Cells(i, 3).Value & Chr(chc)
        For j = 0 To t - 1
            chc = chc + 1
            lr = Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
            Range("c" & (lr)).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
            rv = Range("c" & (lr)).Value
            Range("c" & (lr)).Value = Left(rv, Len(rv) - 1) & Chr(chc)
    Range("C2").CurrentRegion.Sort _
            key1:=Range("C1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Here the Workbook to show you it working:
Insert Row
Upvote 0
Your workbook does exactly as I want but when I do it on my files I get the overflow? If it makes a difference the columns stretch over to AZ, and rows down to 50,000 odd, all with data in.
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