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With the help of YouTube videos I have been trying to compare 2 lists in order to extract records that are not exactly the same on both lists, ideally onto 3 new worksheets (NEW, GONE, AMENDED). <o></o>
I have been trying to implement your lessons, those of ExcelisFun, with lookup, arrays and a variety of more complicated formulas, to no avail. <o></o>
I actually wonder if the issue is the type of data (text, number) or the length of the compared lists.
The current lists we have will soon grow to <o></o>
Here is the scenario:<o></o>
* List #1 has current active members (FirstName, LastName, Company, email) - 4 alphanumeric columns & approx. 3800 rows<o></o>
* List #2 (an Outlook export) is a complete & historical list of members, including previous members who HAVE LEFT -4 alphanumeric columns & approx 5000 rows<o></o>
**PS this list will soon grow to near 20000 rows<o></o>
1) identify NEW members (on #1 but not #2)<o></o>
2) identify members who left (on #2 but not on #1)<o></o>
3) identify members who may have changed company and/or email (#1 does not correspond to #2) AND highlight what that change is so that list #2 can be updated accordingly<o></o>
4) CAUTION: some members may have same First & Last name but are in fact different individuals (ex: Veronique Boisvert). I am not sure how to tackle this one: she won't come out as an exact match, but she is not NEW or GONE either. I suppose however that since this is exceptional, we could "humanly" review these odd cases.....<o></o>
Can anyone help me figure this out? I have probably spent close to 20 hours so far and got so close to the solution by using the info in the videos (and ExcelisFun videos 369, 528, 539, 540) but there always seems to be a glitch !!
Many thanks
With the help of YouTube videos I have been trying to compare 2 lists in order to extract records that are not exactly the same on both lists, ideally onto 3 new worksheets (NEW, GONE, AMENDED). <o></o>
I have been trying to implement your lessons, those of ExcelisFun, with lookup, arrays and a variety of more complicated formulas, to no avail. <o></o>
I actually wonder if the issue is the type of data (text, number) or the length of the compared lists.
The current lists we have will soon grow to <o></o>
Here is the scenario:<o></o>
* List #1 has current active members (FirstName, LastName, Company, email) - 4 alphanumeric columns & approx. 3800 rows<o></o>
* List #2 (an Outlook export) is a complete & historical list of members, including previous members who HAVE LEFT -4 alphanumeric columns & approx 5000 rows<o></o>
**PS this list will soon grow to near 20000 rows<o></o>
1) identify NEW members (on #1 but not #2)<o></o>
2) identify members who left (on #2 but not on #1)<o></o>
3) identify members who may have changed company and/or email (#1 does not correspond to #2) AND highlight what that change is so that list #2 can be updated accordingly<o></o>
4) CAUTION: some members may have same First & Last name but are in fact different individuals (ex: Veronique Boisvert). I am not sure how to tackle this one: she won't come out as an exact match, but she is not NEW or GONE either. I suppose however that since this is exceptional, we could "humanly" review these odd cases.....<o></o>
Can anyone help me figure this out? I have probably spent close to 20 hours so far and got so close to the solution by using the info in the videos (and ExcelisFun videos 369, 528, 539, 540) but there always seems to be a glitch !!
Many thanks