Hi board members, hope you can shed some more light on conditional formatting than I have been able to find with Google or searching this forum.
I am tracking Licence contracted and Licences deployed and reconciling this data. If there’s a discrepancy actions need to be taken to either e.g. increase the contract or reduce the number of licences reduced. Column F in excel shows me a combo of a Red Amber Green traffic light and the %
Cond formatting rules are as follows.
1. IF Licences deployed > licences contracted the result is >100% => Red traffic light (e.g. we need to buy more licences or clean up dormant users)
2. If # Deployed < 90% of contracted then result is a % somewhere between 00-90 => Green traffic light
3. If # deployed is >= 90% and <100 of # of contracted licences Result is nn% => Amber traffic light
Now all of that is very easy to do in Excel.
G=Green, A=Amber, R=Red, B=Black resemble the traffic light symbols displayed in Col F.
Formula in Col E = Col C minus Col D
Formula in Col F = Col D/Col C + conditional formatting traffic lights
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---A 92%
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--G 50%
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---R 115%
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---A 100%
The sting is in the last example/row.
When a row has a Fixed licence and we are using that licence the result will be 100%. There is no action to be taken as it is impossible to have more licences deployed than you have contracted for. According to the conditional formatting rules it is given an Amber traffic light. Ideally it should have a green traffic light or if you opt for the set of four colour traffic lights (Red, Amber, Green and Black) you could use Black.
When I looked at the Conditional Formatting options I came across the following...
Icon, Value, Type
Type has four options: number, percent, formula and percentile.
I was hoping to use the formula option to define the black light to be used for Fixed Licence rows. Something along the lines of =IF(Bx=”Fixed Licence”,True, False)
But Excel doesn’t like that at all.
I do have a workaround by putting the trafficlights in Column G and applying Cond Formatting rules in Col G.
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F----Col G
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%----TrfLight
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---92%------A
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--50%------G
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---115%-----R
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---100%-----B
I would really like to know if it is possible as Described above. Resulting in
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---A 92%
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--G 50%
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---R 115%
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---B 100%
Not necessarily i.c.w. above, how should one use/code conditional formatting when using the Type = Formula option. I cannot find an example.
Hmmmm, I was hoping that by using code tags it would not make a mess of the examples. perhaps the Jpegs below clarify this better.
Thanks for your time!
Question 1:
Question 2.
I am tracking Licence contracted and Licences deployed and reconciling this data. If there’s a discrepancy actions need to be taken to either e.g. increase the contract or reduce the number of licences reduced. Column F in excel shows me a combo of a Red Amber Green traffic light and the %
Cond formatting rules are as follows.
1. IF Licences deployed > licences contracted the result is >100% => Red traffic light (e.g. we need to buy more licences or clean up dormant users)
2. If # Deployed < 90% of contracted then result is a % somewhere between 00-90 => Green traffic light
3. If # deployed is >= 90% and <100 of # of contracted licences Result is nn% => Amber traffic light
Now all of that is very easy to do in Excel.
G=Green, A=Amber, R=Red, B=Black resemble the traffic light symbols displayed in Col F.
Formula in Col E = Col C minus Col D
Formula in Col F = Col D/Col C + conditional formatting traffic lights
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---A 92%
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--G 50%
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---R 115%
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---A 100%
The sting is in the last example/row.
When a row has a Fixed licence and we are using that licence the result will be 100%. There is no action to be taken as it is impossible to have more licences deployed than you have contracted for. According to the conditional formatting rules it is given an Amber traffic light. Ideally it should have a green traffic light or if you opt for the set of four colour traffic lights (Red, Amber, Green and Black) you could use Black.
When I looked at the Conditional Formatting options I came across the following...
Icon, Value, Type
Type has four options: number, percent, formula and percentile.
I was hoping to use the formula option to define the black light to be used for Fixed Licence rows. Something along the lines of =IF(Bx=”Fixed Licence”,True, False)
But Excel doesn’t like that at all.
I do have a workaround by putting the trafficlights in Column G and applying Cond Formatting rules in Col G.
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F----Col G
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%----TrfLight
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---92%------A
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--50%------G
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---115%-----R
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---100%-----B
I would really like to know if it is possible as Described above. Resulting in
Col A---Col B-------------Col C------Col D------Col E-----Col F
Comp---Licence Type-----Cntractd---Deployed--Variance----%
IBM-----Floating Licence-------100--------92----------8---A 92%
HP------Floating Licence------1470-------737--------733--G 50%
SOU----Floating Licence----140000----162051-----22051---R 115%
XYZ----Fixed Licence-------------1---------1 ---------0---B 100%
Not necessarily i.c.w. above, how should one use/code conditional formatting when using the Type = Formula option. I cannot find an example.
Hmmmm, I was hoping that by using code tags it would not make a mess of the examples. perhaps the Jpegs below clarify this better.
Thanks for your time!
Question 1:
Question 2.