Conditional Formatting


Board Regular
Apr 14, 2013
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi there

Can anyone help to start me off in the right direction

I need conditional formatting to be active for the Damaged Column but checking the name column,Age and Damaged Column

If Damaged column value is 5% or more then colour cell red
If Damaged column value is <5% then colour cell Green
If Name column value = Line22 AND Age is <20 then colour cell Orange
If Name Column value = Babcock AND Age is <20 AND Age is <20 then colour cell Blue
If name coloumn value = Babcock AND Age is >35 then colour cell Purple

I just cant figure out how to code the conditional formatting to do all this for the entire column, can do it for a row, but as I have 1200 rows!!

Any help greatly appreciated

NameAgeDamagedFormat Colour
Line22203%Green all OK
Line22193%Orange due to 19 age
Line22205%Red due to 5% limit
Babcock203%Green all OK
Babcock193%Blue due to 19 lower age limit
babcock403%Purple due to 40 Upper age Limit
Line22201%Green all OK
Babcock305%Red due to 5% limit


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and you want the whole row to change colour

now because of
If Damaged column value is <5% then colour cell Green
most of those row would be green

so how does the name and age over ride those % value rules
babcock403%Purple due to 40 Upper age Limit


BUT the value is less than 5% - so green

you need to have the rules unique or which ones take a priority
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