Conditional Summation


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
Hello all,

I am having a bit of trouble getting a conditional sum to work. I purchase stock from my employer on a biweekly basis, and I am trying to plot a line graph of the total value of the stock owned based on the amount I own on a given date and the share price on that date. I have the purchase information under a tab labeled "Stock Purchase" in a table with the headings "Effective Date" and "Transaction Shares".

The table in a separate tab labeled "Historical Value" has headings "Date" and "Shares Owned". Based on this "Date" column, I would like to sum only shares owned on or before that date in the "Transaction Shares" column using the "Effective Date" column as the limiting criteria.

The conditional sum wizard hasn't been much help and the formulas I have tried aren't much better. I have tried the following:

=SUMIF(TEST2.xlsm!Effective_Date,"<'Historical Value'!A21",TEST2.xlsm!Transaction_Shares)

and a =IF("date test", Sum(Dates), 0) formula that I've already deleted.

I think that part of the problem is that the information is contained in two different tabs; I'm not sure what to do about it. It may not even be the problem.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you VERY much for your time.


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Maybe try:

=SUMIF(TEST2.xlsm!Effective_Date,"<"&'Historical Value'!A21,TEST2.xlsm!Transaction_Shares)

You have to concatenate the less than sign with the cell reference.
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Thank you VERY much, Mr. Poulsom. It worked like a charm. I didn't realize that only two of the three SUMIF components were necessary.

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