I have a workbook with up to 90 worksheets. After performing various sort, sub totalling and formattting tasks through vba (which work !) each sheet is identical in structure - columns "A to J" but the number of rows can vary from 20 to 150.
The output for the end user needs to be in landscape but because columns "A to J" are too wide to fit on one page, I want to set the print output to one page wide but "X" pages tall dependent on number of rows in each sheet.
I have tried various combinations of FitToPagesWide /Tall but without success.
Any advice would be welcomed
The output for the end user needs to be in landscape but because columns "A to J" are too wide to fit on one page, I want to set the print output to one page wide but "X" pages tall dependent on number of rows in each sheet.
I have tried various combinations of FitToPagesWide /Tall but without success.
Any advice would be welcomed