Convert csv to xlsx


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Mar 26, 2020
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Hello code experts,
I have this csv file which was converted from pdf. The columns are not in one order to get the data in a columnar view. It will take more than a hour to arrange each line in a particular format. JohnnyL's code has helped me a lot to get the columns in order in less than a second. I am facing one problem in one of the conversions. The code is not able to concatenate the Cheque No. to the Description in 3 different rows and in one of the lines it is not taking the amount. Hence the balances are not matching. I have colored the lines with errors. Need your expertise to correct the code. Thanks.
Conver CSV to XLSX.xlsm
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Please let me know what was wrong and how it should have looked.
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csv to slsx convertor.xlsm
9521-01-2022BY INST 5020 : CTO386-1DAY LAT Txn No.S6117680Receipt18000.001,99,76,778.55 Dr.
9621-01-2022NEFT_IN:CMS2355644388/0028/ NEFT SAIPRIYADARSHINI PNB Txn No.S5999448Receipt637.001,99,94,778.55 Dr.
9721-01-2022TO TR BAJAJ ALLIANZGENERAL INSURANCE -215410 Txn No.M103376 Branch Name - SARJAPUR ROA,1,99,95
9821-01-2022DHC LOGISTICS PVT LTD Txn No.S2141266 Cheque No. 297835Payment10050.001,99,74,175.55 Dr.
9920-01-2022To:0040005500052250:SAIPRIYADARSHINI Txn No.S98751533Payment1100.001,99,64,125.55 Dr.

I checked & got the same values missing. Maybe the problem lies in the csv sheet. Must have got edited in that place by mistake I hope. I have kept you on your toes for long now. Hope it is resolved soon.. I will convert the same sheet again from pdf to csv and check tonight.
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You do realize that that is is the same line of the csv file that i mentioned a long time ago that needs correcting?
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JohnnyL. I tried more than 5 files today. I think I found one common problem in all the conversions. The balance column amount is posted partly only when the row contains Branch Name, The branch name too is partially converted.. Otherwise, all the csv files are converted correctly where there is no branch name.
Check only the rows containing Branch Name.
If you can fix this then it will be great, or you can remove the code connected to the Branch Name completely.
Still if you can't understand or fix the error, I will share the 5 files if required.
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One major problem we are facing is that you have no standard for the format of the csv files. This latest csv file has writing in the column A after the transaction #s end. The code is designed to look for 'Txn No.' in the column A and rows after that in column A that are not blank are considered a transaction line.

How would you suggest to determine the last transaction line? I have an idea that I am going to try, but I am curious what your thoughts are considering, as I said, it seems there is no set standard format of the csv files you are getting.

I will look into the other two issues to see what caused them, but I am going to guess that they are caused by a different format being used.
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The following is the latest code I came up with:

VBA Code:
Sub LoadCSV_FileTest4()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                          ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Dim startTime       As Single
    Dim CSV_FileToOpen  As Variant
    CSV_FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text files,*.csv", , "Select file", , False)  ' Save full path of CSV file to CSV_FileToOpen
    If CSV_FileToOpen = False Then                                                              ' Exit Sub if user cancelled
        MsgBox "No file selected - exiting"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    startTime = Timer                                                                           ' Start the stopwatch
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                          ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Dim ArrayColumn                     As Long, ArrayRow                   As Long, NewArrayRow            As Long
    Dim CSV_ColumnMinus1                As Long, CSV_FileRow                As Long, FirstTransactionRow    As Long
    Dim FreeFileNumber                  As Long
    Dim RowNumber                       As Long
    Dim All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray   As Variant, CSV_FileRowColumnsArray As Variant
    Dim ShortenedCSV_FileArray          As Variant, CSV_FinalArray          As Variant
    Dim Partitioned_CSV_FileArray       As Variant
    Dim wsDestination                   As Worksheet
    Set wsDestination = Sheets("JohnnyL")                                                           ' <--- Set this to the sheet name to dump CSV_FinalArray
    FreeFileNumber = FreeFile                                                                       ' Get an unused file number
    Open CSV_FileToOpen For Input As #FreeFileNumber
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then                                                                         ' If error occurred then ...
        MsgBox "File open error #" & Err.Number & "!", vbCritical, "Error!"                         '   Display error #
        Exit Sub                                                                                    '   Exit sub
    End If
    All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray = Split(Input(LOF(FreeFileNumber), #FreeFileNumber), vbCrLf)      ' Load all Rows in file to All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray
    Close #FreeFileNumber
    RowNumber = 0                                                                                       ' Initialize RowNumber
    ReDim Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(1 To UBound(All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray), 1 To 100)               ' Set rows/columns for Partitioned_CSV_FileArray
    For CSV_FileRow = LBound(All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray) To UBound(All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray)    ' Loop through all rows of CSV file
        If All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray(CSV_FileRow) <> vbNullString Then                              '   If CSV row is not blank then ...
            CSV_FileRowColumnsArray = Split(All_CSV_RowsFromCSV_FileArray(CSV_FileRow), ",")            '       Load contents of row to CSV_FileRowColumnsArray
            RowNumber = RowNumber + 1                                                                   '       Increment RowNumber
            For CSV_ColumnMinus1 = LBound(CSV_FileRowColumnsArray) To UBound(CSV_FileRowColumnsArray)   '       Loop through columns
                Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(RowNumber, CSV_ColumnMinus1 + 1) = _
                        CSV_FileRowColumnsArray(CSV_ColumnMinus1)                                       '           Add values to Partitioned_CSV_FileArray
            Next                                                                                        '       Loop back
        End If
    Next                                                                                                ' Loop back
''Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 1), UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 2)) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray
    ReDim ShortenedCSV_FileArray(1 To UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 1), 1 To 33)            ' Set the row #s and # of columns for ShortenedCSV_FileArray
    NewArrayRow = 0                                                                             ' Initialize NewArrayRow
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 1)                                    ' Loop through all the rows of the Partitioned_CSV_FileArray
        If Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1) = "Txn No." Then                              '   If 'Txn No.' is found then ...
            FirstTransactionRow = ArrayRow + 1                                                  '       Save Start row of transactions to FirstTransactionRow
            Exit For                                                                            '       Exit loop
        End If
    Next                                                                                        ' Loop back
    For ArrayRow = FirstTransactionRow To UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 1)                  ' Loop through all the rows of the Partitioned_CSV_FileArray

        If Left(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1), 1) Like "[A-Za-z]" Then                 '   If first character in column A is alphabetic then ...
            If Mid(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1), 2, 1) Like "#" Then                  '       If second character in column A is numeric then ...
                NewArrayRow = NewArrayRow + 1                                                   '       Increment NewArrayRow
                For ArrayColumn = 1 To UBound(Partitioned_CSV_FileArray, 2)                     '   Loop through all columns of the Partitioned_CSV_FileArray
                    Select Case ArrayColumn                                                     '       Save the needed data into ShortenedCSV_FileArray ...
                        Case 1 To 3
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, ArrayColumn) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)
                        Case 6
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 4) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some Descriptions
                        Case 8
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 5) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some addresses
                        Case 10
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 6) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some Dates
                        Case 13
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 7) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some cheque #s
                        Case 14
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 8) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some cheque #s
                        Case 16
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 9) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some Dr amounts
                        Case 17
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 10) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)   ' Some Descriptions
                        Case 18
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 11) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Cr amounts
                        Case 19
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 12) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some CR amounts
                        Case 20
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 13) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 21
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 14) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 22
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 15) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 23
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 16) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 25
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 17) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some CR amounts
                        Case 26
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 18) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  '
                        Case 27
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 19) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  '
                        Case 28
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 20) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  '
                        Case 29
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 21) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 30
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 22) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some amounts
                        Case 33
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 23) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Cr amounts
                        Case 34
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 24) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Cr amounts
                        Case 35
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 25) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Cr amounts, cheque #s
                        Case 36
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 26) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  '
                        Case 37
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 27) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                        Case 38
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 28) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Dr amounts
                        Case 40
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 29) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Cr amounts
                        Case 41
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 30) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Nothing we need
                        Case 42
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 31) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances*
                        Case 43
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 32) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  '
                        Case 44
                            ShortenedCSV_FileArray(NewArrayRow, 33) = Partitioned_CSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn)  ' Some Balances
                    End Select
                Next                                                                                '   Loop back
            End If
        End If
    Next                                                                                            ' Loop back
''Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(ShortenedCSV_FileArray, 1), UBound(ShortenedCSV_FileArray, 2)) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray
    Debug.Print NewArrayRow & " Rows of data processed from the CSV file." ' Display the # of data lines that were processed to the 'Immediate Window'(CTRL-G)
    ReDim CSV_FinalArray(1 To NewArrayRow, 1 To 6)                                                  ' Set the # of rows & columns for the CSV_FinalArray
    For ArrayRow = 1 To UBound(CSV_FinalArray, 1)                                                   ' Loop through all the rows of the CSV_FinalArray
        If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 3) = vbNullString Then                                  '   If column 3 = blank then ...
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 1) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 6)                       '       Save Column 6 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = Replace(Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 10), Chr(10), ""), """", "") & _
                    " Txn No." & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1)                                        ' Delete Line Feeds, quotations, append Txn #s as needed
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString And ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> "-" Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Branch Name - " & _
                        Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5), Chr(10), "")                           '           Append Branch Name if needed
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Cheque No. " & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7)                                                 '           Append Cheque # if needed
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 25) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Cheque No. " & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 25)                                                 '           Append Cheque # if needed
            End If
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 28)          '       Save Column 28 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 29)          '       Save Column 29 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Payment" ' If column 4 is not blank then set "Payment"
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Receipt" ' If column 5 is not blank then set "Receipt"
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 31) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 30) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 31)), """", "")              '       Save Column 31 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 33) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 30) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 31) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 32) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 33)), """", "")              '       Save Column 33 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
        ElseIf ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 2) <> vbNullString Then                             '   If column 2 is not blank then ...
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 1) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 2)               '       Save Column 2 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = Replace(Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 3), Chr(10), ""), """", "") & _
                    " Txn No." & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1)                                        ' Delete Line Feeds, quotations, append Txn #s as needed
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString And ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> "-" Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Branch Name - " & _
                        Mid(Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5), Chr(10), ""), 2, Len(Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5), Chr(10), "")) - 2)                           '           Append Branch Name if needed
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Cheque No. " & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7)                                                     '           Append Cheque # if needed
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 8) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Cheque No. " & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 8)                                                     '           Append Cheque # if needed
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 9)) > 1 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 9)           '       Save Column 9 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 10)) > 1 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 10)          '       Save Column 1 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 11)) > 1 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 11)          '       Save Column 11 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 17)) > 1 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 17)          '       Save Column 17 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Payment"     ' If column 4 is not blank then set "Payment"
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Receipt"     ' If column 5 is not blank then set "Receipt"
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 15) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 12) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 13) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 14) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 15)), """", "")              '       Save Column 15 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 12)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 12)), """", "") '       Save Column 12 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray as a decimal # to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 13)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 12) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 13)), """", "")                    '       Save Column 13 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 14)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 12) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 13) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 14)), """", "")   ' Save Column 14 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 16)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 13) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 14) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 15) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 16)), """", "")   ' Save Column 16 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 21)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 18) & "," & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 19) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 20) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 21)), """", "")   ' Save Column 21 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 1) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 3)
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = Replace(Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 4), Chr(10), ""), """", "") & _
                    " Txn No." & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 1)                                            ' Delete Line Feeds, quotations, append Txn #s as needed
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString And ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> "-" Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Branch Name - " & _
                        Replace(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 5), Chr(10), "")                               '           Append Branch Name if needed
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) = CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 2) & " Cheque No. " & _
                        ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 7)                                                     '           Append Cheque # if needed
            End If
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 22)          '       Save Column 22 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) = ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 23)          '       Save Column 23 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 4) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Payment"         '      If column D is not blank then "Payment"
            If CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 5) <> vbNullString Then CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 3) = "Receipt"         '      If column E is not blank then "Receipt"
            If Len(ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 24)) > 4 Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 24)), """", "")  '       Save Column 24 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 25) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 24) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 25)), """", "")              '       Save Column 25 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
            If ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 27) <> vbNullString Then
                CSV_FinalArray(ArrayRow, 6) = Replace((ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 24) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 25) & "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 26) & _
                        "," & ShortenedCSV_FileArray(ArrayRow, 27)), """", "")                       '       Save Column 27 of ShortenedCSV_FileArray to CSV_FinalArray
            End If
        End If
    wsDestination.UsedRange.Clear                                                                                       ' Clear the destination sheet
    wsDestination.Range("A1:F1").Value = Array("Txn Date", "Description", "Voucher Type", "Dr Amount", "Cr Amount", "Balance")  ' Add header row to sheet
    wsDestination.Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"                                                         ' Set column to text so Excel don't mess up dates
    wsDestination.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(CSV_FinalArray, 1), UBound(CSV_FinalArray, 2)).Value = CSV_FinalArray       ' Display CSV_FinalArray to sheet
''    wsDestination.Range("E2").CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=wsDestination.Range("E2"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess  ' Sort columns by the E column
''    wsDestination.Range("D2").CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=wsDestination.Range("D2"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess  ' Sort columns by the D column
''    wsDestination.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=wsDestination.Range("A2"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess  ' Sort columns by the A Column
    wsDestination.Columns("D:F").NumberFormat = "0.00"                                                          ' Format Columns D:E to two decimal places
    wsDestination.UsedRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit                                                                ' Autofit used columns
    Application.Goto wsDestination.Range("A1")                                                                  ' Go to result sheet
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                                          ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
    Debug.Print "Time to complete = " & Timer - startTime & " seconds."                                         ' about .10 seconds
End Sub

Let me know how that works. I had to guess some of the values of columns because as I mentioned, the data is all over the place so no telling what each value represesnts.
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