Hi Team,
I am using the following code and want to apply the below mentioned formula to delete the number of rows: apply the autofilter ( which is in a loop). then after calculating the value of c, i want VBA to delete the number of c rows from the number of visible rows but i want my header intact without any changes to the header--------------
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set rngAllValues = Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cell In rngAllValues
If Not dic.exists(cell.Value) Then _
dic.Add cell.Value, cell.Value
Next cell
arrUniqueValues = dic.Keys
For i = LBound(arrUniqueValues) To UBound(arrUniqueValues)
'MsgBox arrUniqueValues(i)
Range("A1:W1").AutoFilter field:=4, Criteria1:=arrUniqueValues(i)
a = Sheets("Data_sample").Range("a1", ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown)).Count ' i want 'a' to be the count of visible rows not counting the header after applying autofilter
VarRateTable = Sheets("Work Type-allocation").Range("A1:B65536")
vt = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Cells(2, 4).Value, VarRateTable, 2, 0)
b = a * vt
ab = Round(b, 0)
c = ab + 1 ' what i am doing here is that i first want to calculate 'c' based on the vlookup values. (well, i don't know whether i should be adding 1 here, but the idea is not to delete the header row)
On Error Resume Next
Rows(lrow + c).Resize(ActiveSheet.Range("a2", ActiveSheet.Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Count - c).Delete
'suppose when i get c=3, then i want the number of visible rows (not counting the header) to minus the number of 'c' rows (in this case 3)
Next i
but i am not getting what i want . My errors are :
Firstly, that i am not getting the correct number of rows with the formula for 'a'.
Secondly, i am not getting the formula correct for deleting rows. in this case i even get my header deleted.
I tried to figure out where i am doing wrong but to no avail.
Please help me out.. this is on an urgent basis.
Thanks Ron
I am using the following code and want to apply the below mentioned formula to delete the number of rows: apply the autofilter ( which is in a loop). then after calculating the value of c, i want VBA to delete the number of c rows from the number of visible rows but i want my header intact without any changes to the header--------------
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set rngAllValues = Range("D2:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
For Each cell In rngAllValues
If Not dic.exists(cell.Value) Then _
dic.Add cell.Value, cell.Value
Next cell
arrUniqueValues = dic.Keys
For i = LBound(arrUniqueValues) To UBound(arrUniqueValues)
'MsgBox arrUniqueValues(i)
Range("A1:W1").AutoFilter field:=4, Criteria1:=arrUniqueValues(i)
a = Sheets("Data_sample").Range("a1", ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown)).Count ' i want 'a' to be the count of visible rows not counting the header after applying autofilter
VarRateTable = Sheets("Work Type-allocation").Range("A1:B65536")
vt = Application.WorksheetFunction.Vlookup(Cells(2, 4).Value, VarRateTable, 2, 0)
b = a * vt
ab = Round(b, 0)
c = ab + 1 ' what i am doing here is that i first want to calculate 'c' based on the vlookup values. (well, i don't know whether i should be adding 1 here, but the idea is not to delete the header row)
On Error Resume Next
Rows(lrow + c).Resize(ActiveSheet.Range("a2", ActiveSheet.Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Count - c).Delete
'suppose when i get c=3, then i want the number of visible rows (not counting the header) to minus the number of 'c' rows (in this case 3)
Next i
but i am not getting what i want . My errors are :
Firstly, that i am not getting the correct number of rows with the formula for 'a'.
Secondly, i am not getting the formula correct for deleting rows. in this case i even get my header deleted.
I tried to figure out where i am doing wrong but to no avail.
Please help me out.. this is on an urgent basis.
Thanks Ron