Countif & Vlookup


Board Regular
Jan 9, 2013
Hi there
can any please help with this request;

i have a date say in "A1" which is gotten from a Vlookup from say dates in column"C", this works fine. however i am trying to use the date in "A1" to count the amount of dates in say column "E" which are before the date in "A1" but i keep getting 0 which i know is incorrect, if i reference the date which is not from the vlookup but manually enterd into another cell then it works, any suggestions.


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Hi there, thanks for that but i still have a zero instead of the correct number, is it because the date come from a vlookup as when i use a date enterd directly it works?

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=VLOOKUP(B1,Dates!A:F,2,FALSE) this is my lookup which gives me a date in "N3"
=COUNTIF(C2:C65536,"<"&N3) i then use this to find how many dates are before the date in "N3"

hope this makes sense?
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=VLOOKUP(B1,Dates!A:F,2,FALSE) this is my lookup which gives me a date in "N3"
=COUNTIF(C2:C65536,"<"&N3) i then use this to find how many dates are before the date in "N3"

hope this makes sense?

The set up is correct. Logically speaking, one has to conclude that there no dates in the target range smaller than that in N3.

What do you get with each of the following:



=SUMPRODUCT(--(C2:C65536 < N3)+0)

meant as diagnostic tests?
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Hi there i must have been really tired last night, i have just checked an di had the wrong cell referenced:confused: it now works.
however i now have another issue which is this, i want to do a countif between two dates in two cells based on my previous vlookup. unfortunatly i cant get this to work any suggestions this is what i have tried,

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Hi there i must have been really tired last night, i have just checked an di had the wrong cell referenced:confused: it now works.

Good grace. I missed that possibility!...

however i now have another issue which is this, i want to do a countif between two dates in two cells based on my previous vlookup. unfortunatly i cant get this to work any suggestions this is what i have tried,



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Hi there, this works really well the only issue is that it produces a negative number i.e -124 when the answer is 124, any ideas
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