
Board Regular
Apr 13, 2002
I have a Do while loop and within it I have a few for loops and if conditional statements. Eg.

Do While condition
if condition then
for i=0 to count
next i
etc etc

I need the for loops and if conditional statements in my loop. However when I compile I get an error “Compile Error: Loop without Do”

Why is this so? Is this not allowed in VBA?

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Using Function Arguments with nested formulas
If writing INDEX in Func. Arguments, type MATCH(. Use the mouse to click inside MATCH in the formula bar. Dialog switches to MATCH.
Thanks for the reply. Yes it did compile fine after I added the "End If"

I also want to activate sheets for a specific workbook. This is the code I am using


also when I need to activate a sheet I am using the following code:


I am getting a an error when I run the code. The error is:

“Run-Time error ‘1004’: Activate method of Range Class Failed”

Can anyone tell me why?

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You have to activate the workbook and then activate the sheet before you can select a cell on that sheet.

Alternatively, you can probably revise your code so that you don't have to select or activate anything.
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Thanks. How do you go about doing stuff in the sheets and cells without activating it? Any example?

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Post some example code that does some activating/selecting and I'll revise it for you.
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Here is an example of what I am trying to do.

Sub DoSomething()


For i = 0 To 2205
If i <> 0 Then
‘ here I want to clear the contents of
‘ my array so the data from the next
‘row can be taken and stored in the array
‘ below I want to go to the next row
ActiveCell.Cells(row_Count, 0).Select
End If

‘Collect the column values of the row in
‘an array
row_Count = row_Count + 1
Next i

End Sub

I have an array that I am using to store values from a row. I am using a for loop to loop through the rows. After each loop I need to erase all the elements of the array and start storing values from the row.

How can I empty the contents of the array after each loop?

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The following doesn't do any activating/selecting :-

Sub DoSomething()
Dim myArray As Variant, cell As Range
With Workbooks("filename.xls").Worksheets("sheet1")
'Loop through each cell in column A range
For Each cell In .[A3:A2205]

' "here I want to clear the contents of _
my array so the data from the next _
row can be taken and stored in the array"
'NOT NECESSARY TO DO THIS - the array values _
will be automatically overwritten each time.

'Collect the values in columns A:F of the row in _
an array
myArray = .Range(cell, cell(1, 6))
'Put the array values in columns H:M of the same row
.Range(cell(1, 8), cell(1, 13)).Value = myArray
End With
End Sub

What is it that you want to do with the values stored in the array for each row?
Perhaps you don't need a loop.
And perhaps you don't need to use an array.
This message was edited by Abdc on 2002-09-07 16:35
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