I have used the following formula in several cells and it works in all but one. =countif(F:F,"Thompson") When I use it as: =countif(F:F,"Rowell") a 0 value is returned even tho when I look at the Function Argument box, this is what I see:
Range: F:F =F:F
Criteria: "Rowell" ="Rowell"
= 9
Counts the number of cells within a rang that meet the given condition.
Range is the range of cells from which you want to count nonblank cells
Formula results = 9
Any idea why it displays 0 instead of 9 in the target cell?
Range: F:F =F:F
Criteria: "Rowell" ="Rowell"
= 9
Counts the number of cells within a rang that meet the given condition.
Range is the range of cells from which you want to count nonblank cells
Formula results = 9
Any idea why it displays 0 instead of 9 in the target cell?