Excel 2010 vba code - i am in need to solve:


New Member
Jun 27, 2012
VBA code to copy sheet1 Range (C6) to Sheet2 (Range A4) + find next blank space in in column A to add more info from shee1 Range(C6) to same column on sheet 2 I hope I explained ok. I have address on sheet1 always in C6 and this address changes but I want to copy the new address to sheet2 to show new address on the next row down. Can it be done?

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To sort left-to-right, use the Sort dialog box. Click Options. Choose "Sort left to right"
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C6").Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A4").End(xlDown).Offset(1)
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It might help if you could say if you get a debug error or the code runs but you don't get the intended result.
I think it is missing the Sub and End Sub at least for some purposes.
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Sub Test address()
Sheets(1).[c6].copy sheets(2).cells(rows.count,"A").End(1xUp).Offset(1,0)
End Sub

This will work, but it will not start on sheet(2)at (A4) - it starts at A2 then goes to next cell below - Dianne
Sorry I was out all day until today June 28 - to reply -any help would be appreciated other wise I may have to change my format - hope you can help
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So why didn't you use Neils code, as supplied.
The code you have provided back to us will start at the last populated row in column "A", which may well be A2
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June 29 - It runs but didn't get result as intended. I appologize I am new to this forum and learning how to use. On sheet (1) Row Column C6 (I insert address) - On sheet (2) Row Column (A4) I want the address copy to. The format I have row A1 thru A3 have Text line A4 is blank There is my start point. The formula I found originally is this: (Original) Sub Test Address() Sheets(1).[c6].copy sheets(2).cells(rows.count,"A").End(1xUp).Offset(1,0) This works, but always starts at A2 that is my problem I would like it to start at A4
End Sub Also originally I had sheets(1)Named Inspect and sheets(2)DailyWrks -Is it possible to change sheets to the Name of a sheet or do I always have to keep it as sheet(1) & sheet(2)????? I did leave it as sheet(1) etc. New At VBA too - THANK YOU SO MUCH I APPRECIATE YOUR HELP
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