Excel VBA help


New Member
Oct 2, 2006
Hello all

I have one speadsheet with 3 tabs. Tab 1 contains around 800 lines of our master account and tab 2 contains a small number of these accounts. Tab 3 is blank. What I am looking to do is cross reference tabs 1 & 2 for recurring data. If any detail comes up more than once I'd like to copy the entire line from tab one and paste it into tab 3.

Is this possible... If so how??

Many thanks

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Hi steviewonderpants,

Yes, this can be done in a VBA macro. But specifically how depends on what constitutes "recurring data". Is it recurring if some part or parts of a row (say, column A) on Tabs 1 and 2 are the same? Or do entire rows (i.e., all columns) of data have to match?

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Hi Damon

Basically I have a master account list (Tab 1) and within this is a set of account numbers (column G) and on tab 2 there is a smaller list of account numbers (in column A) that I would like to cross reference against column G in tab 1. If any 'duplicate' fields are identified then I could like the entire line from tab 1 copied and pasted into tab 3


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Hi again stevie,

Here is a macro that I believe does what you describe:

Sub CrossRef()

   Dim Master     As Worksheet   'Tab 1
   Dim RefTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 2
   Dim NewTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 3
   Dim Cell       As Range
   Dim iRow       As Long
   Dim jRow       As Long
   Set Master = Worksheets(1)
   Set RefTab = Worksheets(2)
   Set NewTab = Worksheets(3)
   jRow = NewTab.Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
   For iRow = 2 To RefTab.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
      Set Cell = Master.Range("G:G").Find(RefTab.Cells(iRow, "A"), Master.Range("G1"), xlValues, xlWhole)
      If Not Cell Is Nothing Then
         'matching account found--copy record to tab 3
         jRow = jRow + 1
         Cell.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=NewTab.Rows(jRow)
      End If
   Next iRow

End Sub

This macro should be placed in a standard macro module. This code assumes the tabs you were referring to were not necessarily the tab names, but rather the tab order. If further assumes that each tab has headings in row 1.

Keep Excelling.

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Many thanks for this. One problem that I have found is that it only seems to pick up the first record it finds. I know there are a number of duplicated items as I ran a pivot table report to flag the items appearing more than once.

Is it possible to 'loop' this macro so it finds multiple items on the sheet.

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Find and copy rows

Hi Stevie,

Unfortunitely I'm heading out of town for a week and don't have time to add that feature to the code before I go. If you can wait until I return I'll be happy to add it.

But perhaps some kind soul will step in and fill the gap. :)

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On behalf of Damon
Sub CrossRef()

   Dim Master     As Worksheet   'Tab 1
   Dim RefTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 2
   Dim NewTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 3
   Dim Cell       As Range
   Dim iRow       As Long
   Dim jRow       As Long
   Dim ff As String
   Set Master = Worksheets(1)
   Set RefTab = Worksheets(2)
   Set NewTab = Worksheets(3)
   jRow = NewTab.Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
   For iRow = 2 To RefTab.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
      Set Cell = Master.Range("G:G").Find(RefTab.Cells(iRow, "A"), Master.Range("G1"), xlValues, xlWhole)
      If Not Cell Is Nothing Then
         'matching account found--copy record to tab 3
         ff = Cell.Address
            jRow = jRow + 1
            Cell.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=NewTab.Rows(jRow)
            Set Cell = Master.Range("G:G").FindNext(Cell)
         Loop Until ff = Cell.Address
      End If
   Next iRow

End Sub
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Many thanks for the 'loop' function in this but for some reason this does not appear to be working as I'd hoped. The macro only seems to be able to find the first duplicated field and not all of them. Is there something I am not doing right?

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How about this?
Sub CrossRef()

   Dim Master     As Worksheet   'Tab 1
   Dim RefTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 2
   Dim NewTab     As Worksheet   'Tab 3
   Dim Cell       As Range
   Dim iRow       As Long
   Dim jRow       As Long
   Dim dic As Object
   Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   dic.CompareMode = vbTextCompre
   Set Master = Worksheets(1)
   Set RefTab = Worksheets(2)
   Set NewTab = Worksheets(3)
   jRow = NewTab.Range("G65536").End(xlUp).Row
   With Master
      For iRow = 2 To .Range("g" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
         If Not dic.exists(.Cells(iRow,"g").Value) Then dic.Add .Cells(iRow,"g").Value, Nothing
   End With
   With RefTab
      For iRow = 2 To .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
         If dic.exists(.Cells(iRow,"a").Value) Then
            .Rows(iRow).Copy NewTab.Rows(jRow)
            jRow = jRow + 1
         End If
   End With
Set dic = Nothing
End Sub
edited: 16:49
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Hi, I have tried to run this but the following field is coming back asking for a dubugger to be used

Then dic.Add, Nothing

This is highlighted in yellow within the VB editor

EDIT: OK the VB no longer needs to be debugged but now the info being returned is not the entire duplicated line from TAB 1


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