Hello all,
My company uses what we call a "whitelist" file that is stored in .xml format. It's a single-column file that uses XML tags.
My task is to create this .xml file based off an excel database. Excel has 3 columns titled match, scope, and url. From these columns I am to generate the .xml file. A snippet of our .xml file looks like this (ignore the ||'s):
<||UrlMatch match=regex scope=full>offer\.ebay\.com/ws/ebayisapi\.dll\?.*makequickbid</UrlMatch>
<||UrlMatch match=regex scope=full>facebook\.com/ajax/emu/end\.php\?eid=<||/UrlMatch>
I've gotten to the point where I can recreate the lines of the .xml file within a single column on a single sheet in its own workbook. However, I am having serious difficulties when it comes to saving it as .xml.
When I save it as .xml, theres a bunch of garbage (excel metadata?) that makes the file completely unreadable. Is there any way to do this? The file looks clean when I save it as .txt...
Thank you
EDIT ---> This must be done in VBA
My company uses what we call a "whitelist" file that is stored in .xml format. It's a single-column file that uses XML tags.
My task is to create this .xml file based off an excel database. Excel has 3 columns titled match, scope, and url. From these columns I am to generate the .xml file. A snippet of our .xml file looks like this (ignore the ||'s):
<||UrlMatch match=regex scope=full>offer\.ebay\.com/ws/ebayisapi\.dll\?.*makequickbid</UrlMatch>
<||UrlMatch match=regex scope=full>facebook\.com/ajax/emu/end\.php\?eid=<||/UrlMatch>
I've gotten to the point where I can recreate the lines of the .xml file within a single column on a single sheet in its own workbook. However, I am having serious difficulties when it comes to saving it as .xml.
When I save it as .xml, theres a bunch of garbage (excel metadata?) that makes the file completely unreadable. Is there any way to do this? The file looks clean when I save it as .txt...
Thank you
EDIT ---> This must be done in VBA