I have tried the following code as a second option:
Dim CurrentRow
Sub GetString()
Dim InString As String
InString = InputBox("Enter text to permute:")
If Len(InString) < 2 Then Exit Sub
If Len(InString) >= 12 Then
MsgBox "Too many permutations!"
Exit Sub
CurrentRow = 1
Call GetPermutation("", InString)
End If
End Sub
Sub GetPermutation(x As String, y As String)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
j = Len
If j < 2 Then
Cells(CurrentRow, 1) = x & y
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
For i = 1 To j
Call GetPermutation(x + Mid(y, i, 1), _
Left(y, i - 1) + Right(y, j - i))
End If
End Sub
but the input box doesn;t read arabic /urdu font. rather display a ?? mark.
then I treid the following formula:
in A1 put
in b1 put
in C1 put
but it also didn't worked for font change. value error was generated. Moreover this displays the combinations like aaa,bbb,ccc, i.e letters are repeated and I need formula for without repetition.
Any help for change in above micro or this formula. I would like formula as its good to run it rather micro resulting in two much delay in time.