File Already Open...


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
Im currently developing a system at work that has users writing to an excel file on a shared drive. Users fill in a VB form that submits the values into a seperate excel workbook. This works fine up until 2 people decide to click submit at the same time, at which point it does one of 3 things, either only writes the first one, only wites the second one....or renames the destination file with a tempory name with now extention, and writes nothing.

What im wondering is what would be the best way of ensuring both data sets write... maybe have an error catch if the files open that it writes to a temp file instead, maybe csv, then adds the values after a count of some sort? Any ideas?

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Select a column containing text numbers. Press Alt+D E F to quickly convert text to numbers. Faster than "Convert to Number"
Then all you need to do is this:
On Error Resume Next
'The code that writes to the workbook here.
If Err.Number <> 0 then
'Do whatever you want to do if the write fails.
End if
On Error Goto 0
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