Find Broken Links in Excel 2013


New Member
Apr 17, 2015

I have about 650 Links on a spreadsheet in Excel 2013 and I cannot for the life of me, figure out how to use VBA (apologize upfront) to check the links to see which ones are broken aka "not found" and then fix them. Seeking assistance on this. Thank you in advance.

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You can use the ActiveWorkbook.LinkInfo method to get the status of each ExcelLink.

Here's some example code that will list the status of each link in a new sheet.

Sub ListLinkStatus()
 '--writes the name and status of each Excel Link in the Activeworkbook
 '    to a new worksheet
 Dim lNdx As Long, lStatus As Long
 Dim sStatus As String
 Dim vLinks As Variant
 Dim wksResults As Worksheet
 With ActiveWorkbook
   vLinks = .LinkSources(xlExcelLinks)
   If IsEmpty(vLinks) Then
      MsgBox "The ActiveWorkbook has no links of xlExcelLink type"
      '-start new sheet to list status of each link
      Set wksResults = .Worksheets.Add
      Range("A1:B1").Value = Array("Link Name", "Link Status")
      For lNdx = LBound(vLinks) To UBound(vLinks)
         Select Case .LinkInfo(vLinks(lNdx), xlLinkInfoStatus)
            Case xlLinkStatusOK: sStatus = "No errors."
            Case xlLinkStatusMissingFile: sStatus = "File missing."
            Case xlLinkStatusMissingSheet: sStatus = "Sheet missing."
            Case xlLinkStatusOld: sStatus = "Status may be out of date."
            Case xlLinkStatusSourceNotCalculated: sStatus = "Not yet calculated."
            Case xlLinkStatusIndeterminate: sStatus = "Unable to determine status."
            Case xlLinkStatusNotStarted: sStatus = "Not started."
            Case xlLinkStatusInvalidName: sStatus = "Invalid name."
            Case xlLinkStatusSourceNotOpen: sStatus = "Not open."
            Case xlLinkStatusSourceOpen: sStatus = "Source document is open."
            Case xlLinkStatusCopiedValues: sStatus = "Copied values."
            Case Else: sStatus = "Unknown value for xlLinkInfoStatus"
         End Select
         '--write name and description for this link
         Cells(lNdx + 1, "A").Value = vLinks(lNdx)
         Cells(lNdx + 1, "B").Value = sStatus
      Next lNdx
   End If
 End With

End Sub

Fixing the "broken links" is another matter, as you would have to decide what action you want to take for each possible code.
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Thank you. My thoughts were a)find the broken links (hyperlinks) going to the web and then when found, remove the hyperlink. Then I would see if there is a new hyperlink to use or if the site (i.e. where the link is going to) is no longer in business.

Will the VBA code you provided do that?
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The code I provided was intended to handle broken data links between Excel workbooks. I didn't understand from your OP that you were referring to Hyperlinks to Web URLs.

A VBA macro could do some checking for "broken hyperlinks" using the WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object.

Although it's fairly easy to call a URL and return a Status, often that won't allow you to distinguish between a "broken" hyperlink that has redirected you to another site, and "good" hyperlink that is also redirected. One approach would be to have the macro compare the domain name of the hyperlink to the domain name of the site eventually returned by the hyperlink after any redirects. You could then take action on any hyperlink that has redirect to another domain (remove or modify its URL).

I can help you with some code, if you'll provide a bit more definition of how you would want the macro to act when invalid URLs or redirects to other domains are encountered.
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If it goes to a broken hyperlink then it just shows it as invalid, if it is a re-direct then it changes the link automatically - not sure if that is doable. If not, then it just shows it as new url and I can take it from there.

Thank you for helping out.

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Craig, Sorry for my delay in getting back to you on this.

Here is a macro you can test. It will attempt to fix any broken or redirected hyperlinks on the active sheet.
Be sure to test it thoroughly on a copy of your workbook as there is the possibility that good hyperlinks may be misinterpreted as broken and deleted.

The code is somewhat slow since it needs to make http calls for each hyperlink. I'd suggest you start your testing with a sheet that has 5-10 hyperlinks instead of trying to process your sheet with 650 hyperlinks.

Copy and Paste all this code into a single Standard Code Module. The run the macro "FixHyperlinks".

Option Explicit

Private Type udtHttpInfo
 '--to facilitate passing http data btwn procedures
 Domain As String
 Location As String
 StatusCode As Long
 URL As String
End Type

Sub FixHyperlinks()
'--steps through each hyperlink object in the activesheet and takes
'     action on hyperlinks identified as having bad urls
'     (a non-existent domain url) or urls that are permanently redirected.

 Dim hyp As Hyperlink
 Dim lNdxHyp As Long, lCountHyp As Long
 Dim sAddr As String, sLocation As String
 Dim sNXDomainRedirect As String, sFinalURL_Domain As String
 Dim uInfoFromRequest As udtHttpInfo
 Dim uInfoFromNavigate As udtHttpInfo
 '--validate user has connection to internet
 If Not bIsConnected() Then
   MsgBox "You must be connected to the Internet to run FixHyperlinks."
   GoTo ExitProc
 End If
 Application.EnableEvents = False
 lCountHyp = ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Count
 For Each hyp In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
   lNdxHyp = 1 + lNdxHyp
   '--display progres
   Application.StatusBar = "Processing Hyperlink: " _
      & lNdxHyp & " of " & lCountHyp
   sAddr = hyp.Address
   '--limit process to addresses starting with http 
   If Len(sAddr) And LCase$(Left(sAddr, 4)) = "http" Then
      '--get status and location using WinHttpRequest
      uInfoFromRequest = uGetHttpInfoFromRequest(sURL:=sAddr)

      Select Case uInfoFromRequest.StatusCode
         Case 200
            '--no redirects-do nothing
         Case 300, 302, 307
            '--temporary or multiple redirects. do nothing
         Case 301
            '--permanent redirection-update hyperlink address
            Call UpdateHyperlink(hyp:=hyp, sAction:="UpdateAddress", _
         Case 0
            '--errored while connecting to url. retry with additional tests
            If Not bIsConnected() Then
               MsgBox "Connection to Internet was lost."
               GoTo ExitProc
            '--if can get site using IE and it isn't ISP NXURL, update hyperlink, else mark bad
               uInfoFromNavigate = uGetHttpInfoFromNavigation(sURL:=sAddr)
               If Len(uInfoFromNavigate.Domain) = 0 Then
                  '--no domain found
                  Call UpdateHyperlink(hyp:=hyp, sAction:="MarkAsBad")
                  '--only get ISP redirect domain if null string
                  If Len(sNXDomainRedirect) = 0 Then
                     sNXDomainRedirect = sGetNXDomainRedirect()
                  End If
                  If LCase$(uInfoFromNavigate.Domain) = LCase$(sNXDomainRedirect) Then
                     '--ISP redirected to default for non-existent domain
                     Call UpdateHyperlink(hyp:=hyp, sAction:="MarkAsBad")
                     '--assume legitimate redirection
                     Call UpdateHyperlink(hyp:=hyp, sAction:="UpdateAddress", _
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         Case Else
            '--mark as possible bad link
            Call UpdateHyperlink(hyp:=hyp, sAction:="MarkAsPossiblyBad")
      End Select
   End If
 Next hyp
 On Error Resume Next
 Application.EnableEvents = True
 Application.StatusBar = False
 Exit Sub

 MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
 Resume ExitProc
End Sub

Private Function uGetHttpInfoFromRequest(ByVal sURL As String) As udtHttpInfo
'--uses a winhttprequest to return udt with status and location properties

 Dim lStatus As Long, lCounter As Long
 Dim oRequest As Object
 Dim uReturn As udtHttpInfo
 Set oRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")

 On Error GoTo ExitProc
 With oRequest
   .Option(6) = False 'Disable Redirects
   .Open "GET", sURL, False
   uReturn.StatusCode = .Status
   lStatus = .Status
   Select Case (lStatus \ 100)
      Case 3
         uReturn.Location = .GetResponseHeader("Location")
      Case 2
         '--confirm no ISP redirect by checking HEAD
         .Open "HEAD", sURL, False
         If .Status <> lStatus Then
            uReturn.StatusCode = 0
         End If
      Case Else
         'no change to status from GET
   End Select
 End With
 On Error GoTo 0
 uGetHttpInfoFromRequest = uReturn
End Function

Private Function uGetHttpInfoFromNavigation(sURL As String) As udtHttpInfo
'--uses a IE application to return udt with document properties of
'    ultimate url reached by browser.
'  only used for URLs that throw errors in winhttprequest

 Dim lCounter As Long
 Dim oIEapp As Object
 Dim uReturn As udtHttpInfo

 Set oIEapp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
 With oIEapp
   .Navigate sURL
    Do While .Busy
   On Error Resume Next
   If LCase$(.document.URL) <> LCase$(sURL) Then
      uReturn.URL = .document.URL
      uReturn.Domain = .document.Domain
   End If
   On Error GoTo 0
 End With
 Set oIEapp = Nothing
 uGetHttpInfoFromNavigation = uReturn
End Function

Private Function sGetNXDomainRedirect() As String
'--attempts to return the domain used to redirect non-existant
'    domain urls. Used to distinguish legitimate redirects
'    from ISP redirects or other hijacks
'--returns "NoRedirect" if the bogus url is not redirected.

 Dim sReturn As String
 Dim oIEapp As Object
 Dim uTest As udtHttpInfo
 Const sBOGUS_URL As String = _
 Set oIEapp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
 With oIEapp
   .Navigate sBOGUS_URL

   Do While .Busy
   On Error Resume Next
   sReturn = .document.Domain
   On Error GoTo 0
 End With
 Set oIEapp = Nothing
 If Len(sReturn) = 0 Then sReturn = "NoRedirect"
 sGetNXDomainRedirect = sReturn
End Function

Private Function bIsConnected() As Boolean
'--tests if user is currently connected to the internet
'  by sending httprequest.

 Dim bReturn As Boolean
 Dim oRequest As Object
 Const sTEST_URL As String = ""
 Set oRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
 On Error GoTo ExitProc
 With oRequest
   .Option(6) = True 'Enable Redirects
   .Open "HEAD", sTEST_URL, False
   bReturn = (.StatusText = "OK")
 End With
 bIsConnected = bReturn
End Function

Private Function AddComment(cell As Range, sCmt As String, _
               Optional bReplace As Boolean = False) As Boolean
  ' shg 2014
  ' Link to post:
  ' Extends or replaces a cell comment
  Dim iLen          As Long
  Dim i             As Long
  Dim sInp As String

  ' Case  Len(sCmt) = 0 Comment is Nothing  bReplace  Delete  Add   Extend
  '   0         F               F               F                     x
  '   1         F               F               T        x      x     x
  '   2         F               T               F               x     x
  '   3         F               T               T               x     x
  '   4         T               F               F
  '   5         T               F               T        x
  '   6         T               T               F
  '   7         T               T               T

  With cell(1)
    If .Worksheet.ProtectContents And .Locked Then Exit Function
    AddComment = True
    Select Case -(4 * (Len(sCmt) = 0) + 2 * (.Comment Is Nothing) + bReplace)
      Case 0
      Case 1
      Case 2, 3
      Case 4, 6, 7
        Exit Function
      Case 5
        Exit Function
    End Select

    With .Comment.Shape.TextFrame
      ' get the existing comment
      sInp = .Characters(1, 255).Text
      On Error Resume Next
        i = Len(sInp)
        sInp = sInp & .Characters(i + 1, 255).Text
      Loop While Len(sInp) > i
      On Error GoTo 0
      ' catenate the new
      sInp = sInp & IIf(Len(sInp), vbLf, "") & sCmt
      iLen = Len(sInp)
      ' write it all out
      For i = 1 To Len(sInp) Step 255
        .Characters(i).Text = Mid(sInp, i, 255)
      Next i
      '.AutoSize = True
    End With
  End With
End Function

Private Sub UpdateHyperlink(ByVal hyp As Hyperlink, ByVal sAction As String, _
   Optional ByVal sNewAddress As String)

'--used to define what actions are taken to update hyperlinks that are
'    classified by calling procedure as:
'    UpdateAddress, MarkAsPossiblyBad, or MarkAsBad.

'--this example shows optional code to color code the hyperlinks cells and
'    or add cell comments.

 Dim lColor As Long
 Dim rHypRange As Range
 Dim sNote As String, sOldAddress As String
 sOldAddress = hyp.Address
 If hyp.Type = msoHyperlinkRange Then
   Set rHypRange = hyp.Range
 End If
 Select Case sAction
   Case "UpdateAddress"
      lColor = vbGreen
      sNote = "Hyperlink address changed from: " & sOldAddress _
         & " to: " & sNewAddress
      '--change cell value if displaying old address
      If LCase$(rHypRange.Value) = LCase$(sOldAddress) Then
         rHypRange.Value = sNewAddress
      End If
      hyp.Address = sNewAddress
   Case "MarkAsPossiblyBad"
      lColor = vbYellow
      sNote = "Hyperlink may be broken."
   Case "MarkAsBad"
      lColor = vbRed
      sNote = "Broken Hyperlink deleted: " & sOldAddress
   Case Else
      Debug.Print "Unknown argument value in UpdateHyperlink"
 End Select
 '--Optional: Modify cell to document change
 '--if type is range, change color and add comment
 If Not rHypRange Is Nothing Then
   If lColor Then rHypRange.Interior.Color = lColor
   If Len(sNote) Then
      AddComment cell:=rHypRange, sCmt:=Date & ": " & sNote, bReplace:=False
   End If
   MsgBox sNote
 End If
End Sub
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