Folder summary of workbooks - solved


Board Regular
Aug 19, 2002
Is there anyway to summarize the filenames in a folder even after new additions. Can this be done with excel or do I need a program?

Thanks for the incite> WORKS LIKE A CHARM
This message was edited by ROBINSYN on 2002-09-07 13:07

Excel Facts

Show numbers in thousands?
Use a custom number format of #,##0,K. Each comma after the final 0 will divide the displayed number by another thousand

What do You mean with summarize?

- List all filenames in a folder in worksheet

Kind regards,
Upvote 0
If you mean File details in a sheets of certain Dir then this may help you.

<PRE><FONT color=#339966>'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<FONT color=#339966>' Module : Mod_DirInfo
<FONT color=#339966>' DateTime : 8/01/01 18:06
<FONT color=#339966>' Author : Ivan F Moala
<FONT color=#339966>' Purpose : Lists xls File info
<FONT color=#339966>' Inputs : Directory
<FONT color=#339966>' Outputs : Full path name of file,size Kb of file,Date time of File
<FONT color=#339966>'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<FONT color=blue>Option Explicit</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Option Base</FONT> 1

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>KbSum <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Double</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Const </FONT>Dmsg = "Select the Directory to get xls File info from"

<FONT color=#339966>'// Code for generating list of files in a directory...
<FONT color=#339966>'// 32-bit API declarations
Declare <FONT color=blue>Function </FONT>SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _

Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" ( _

<FONT color=blue>ByVal</FONT> pidl <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>, _

<FONT color=blue>ByVal</FONT> pszPath <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>) <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

Declare <FONT color=blue>Function </FONT>SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _

Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" ( _

lpBrowseInfo <FONT color=blue>As</FONT> BROWSEINFO) <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

Public<FONT color=blue> Type</FONT> BROWSEINFO

hOwner <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

pidlRoot <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

pszDisplayName <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>

lpszTitle <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>

ulFlags <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

lpfn <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

lParam <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

iImage <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

End<FONT color=blue> Type</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Function </FONT>GetDirectory(Optional Msg <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>) <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>bInfo <FONT color=blue>As</FONT> BROWSEINFO

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>path <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>r <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>, x <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>, pos <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Integer</FONT>

<FONT color=#339966>'// Root folder = Desktop
bInfo.pidlRoot = 0&

<FONT color=#339966>'// Title in the dialog
<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>IsMissing(Msg) Then

bInfo.lpszTitle = "Select a folder."

<FONT color=blue>Else</FONT>

bInfo.lpszTitle = Msg

<FONT color=blue>End If</FONT>

<FONT color=#339966>'// Type of directory to return
bInfo.ulFlags = &H1

<FONT color=#339966>'// Display the dialog
x = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo)

<FONT color=#339966>'// Parse the result
path = Space$(512)

r = SHGetPathFromIDList(<FONT color=blue>ByVal</FONT> x, <FONT color=blue>ByVal</FONT> path)

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>r Then

pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0))

GetDirectory = Left(path, pos - 1)

<FONT color=blue>Else</FONT>

GetDirectory = ""

<FONT color=blue>End If</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>End Function</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Function </FONT>GetFileList(FileSpec <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>) <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Variant</FONT>

<FONT color=#339966>'// Returns an array of filenames that match FileSpec
<FONT color=#339966>'// If no matching files are found, it returns False
<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>FileSearch

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>FileArray() <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Variant</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>i <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Double</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>Exists

<FONT color=blue>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=blue>GoTo</FONT> ErrSearch

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>FileSearch = Application.FileSearch

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>Right(FileSpec, 1) <> ""<FONT color=blue> Then </FONT>FileSpec = FileSpec & ""

Exists = Dir(FileSpec)

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>Exists = ""<FONT color=blue> Then </FONT><FONT color=blue>GoTo</FONT> ErrSearch

<FONT color=#339966>'// Reset KbSum
KbSum = 0

<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>FileSearch


.LookIn = FileSpec

.FileName = "*.xls"

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>.Execute > 0 Then

Re<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>FileArray(.FoundFiles.Count, 3)

<FONT color=blue>For </FONT>i = 1 <FONT color=blue>To </FONT>.FoundFiles.Count

FileArray(i, 1) = .FoundFiles(i)

KbSum = KbSum + FileLen(.FoundFiles(i)) 1024

FileArray(i, 2) = FileLen(.FoundFiles(i)) 1024 & " Kb"

FileArray(i, 3) = Format(FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(i)), "dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss")

<FONT color=blue>Next</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Else</FONT>

GetFileList =<FONT color=blue> False</FONT>

Exit Function

<FONT color=blue>End If</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>

GetFileList = FileArray

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>FileSearch =<FONT color=blue> Nothing</FONT>

Exit Function

<FONT color=#339966>'// Error handler

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>Exists = ""<FONT color=blue> Then </FONT><FONT color=blue>On Error</FONT> <FONT color=blue>Resume </FONT><FONT color=blue>Next</FONT>: Err.Raise 76

MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbMsgBoxHelpButton, _

"Error Search", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext


<FONT color=blue>End Function</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>ListToSheet_FileInfo()

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>Dir_ToLookIn <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> String</FONT>, x <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Variant</FONT>, i <FONT color=blue>As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Double</FONT>

Dir_ToLookIn = GetDirectory(Dmsg)

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>Dir_ToLookIn = ""<FONT color=blue> Then </FONT><FONT color=blue>Exit Sub</FONT>

x = GetFileList(Dir_ToLookIn)

Select <FONT color=blue>Case </FONT>IsArray(x)

Case<FONT color=blue> True</FONT> <FONT color=#339966>'// Files found

ActiveSheet.<FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A:C").Clear

[A1] = UBound(x) & " Files in Dir:= " & Dir_ToLookIn

[B1] = KbSum & " Kb"

[C1] = "File<FONT color=blue> Date</FONT>"

<FONT color=blue>With </FONT><FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A1:C1")

.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

.Font.Bold =<FONT color=blue> True</FONT>

.Font.ColorIndex = 5

<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>ActiveSheet

.<FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A2").Resize(UBound(x), 3) = x

.<FONT color=blue>Range</FONT>("A:C").Columns.AutoFit

<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>

MsgBox "Done!....", vbInformation

Case<FONT color=blue> False</FONT> <FONT color=#339966>'// No files found
MsgBox "No matching files", vbCritical

<FONT color=blue>End Select</FONT>

x = ""

<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>
Upvote 0

Thanks for a nice piece of code although I´m still prefer the "FSO"-approach (i e less lines of code) but I realize more and more the power of API.

Kind regards,
Upvote 0

Hehe, the only reason You´ve got is that You don´t has any sample of the FSO-approach :p

Here it come and don´t forget to set a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime via the Tools | Reference.


<FONT color=blue>Sub </FONT>List_Files()

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>fsoObj<FONT color=blue> As</FONT> Scripting.FileSystemObject

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>fsoMapp<FONT color=blue> As</FONT> Scripting.Folder

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>fsoFil<FONT color=blue> As</FONT> Scripting.File

<FONT color=blue>Dim </FONT>i<FONT color=blue> As</FONT><FONT color=blue> Long</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>fsoObj =<FONT color=blue> New </FONT>Scripting.FileSystemObject

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>fsoMapp = fsoObj.GetFolder("e:Arbetsmaterial")

<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>Range("A1:H1")

.Value = Array("Filename", "Created", "Last changed", "Size", "Type", _

"Drive", "Folder", "Path")

.Font.Bold =<FONT color=blue> True</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>

i = 0

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>Not fsoMapp Is<FONT color=blue> Nothing</FONT> Then

<FONT color=blue>For </FONT>Each fsoFil In fsoMapp.Files

<FONT color=blue>If </FONT>fsoFil Like "*.xls" Then

i = i + 1

<FONT color=blue>With </FONT>fsoFil

Cells(1 + i, 1).Value = .Name

Cells(1 + i, 2).Value = .DateCreated

Cells(1 + i, 3).Value = .DateLastModified

Cells(1 + i, 4).Value = .Size

Cells(1 + i, 5).Value = .Type

Cells(1 + i, 6).Value = .Drive

Cells(1 + i, 7).Value = .ParentFolder

Cells(1 + i, :cool:.Value = .Path

<FONT color=blue>End With</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>End If</FONT>


<FONT color=blue>End If</FONT>


<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>fsoFil =<FONT color=blue> Nothing</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>fsoMapp =<FONT color=blue> Nothing</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>Set </FONT>fsoObj =<FONT color=blue> Nothing</FONT>

<FONT color=blue>End Sub</FONT>


Kind regards,
Upvote 0
Dennis, I was just messing :). Remember yesterday's post, where the guy couldn't set a reference to the scripting library?
Upvote 0
On 2002-09-07 12:51, XL-Dennis wrote:

Thanks for a nice piece of code although I´m still prefer the "FSO"-approach (i e less lines of code) but I realize more and more the power of API.

Kind regards,

Hi Dennis
Yes I agree...this was just one of many approaches....for instance the whole API approach can be taken out with this...

Set objFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please Select Image Folder", 0, GetDrive)

If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
'// Is it the Root Dir?...if so change
If Len(objFolder.Items.Item.Path) > 3 Then
strPictFullPath = objFolder.Items.Item.Path & Application.PathSeparator
strPictFullPath = objFolder.Items.Item.Path
End If

and many other ways.....I just had the above handy (written) last year.
Note: FSO for searching is slower then native VBA Filesearch....
Upvote 0

Yes, I know You was joking so did I :wink:

Yes, I agree that the native VBA Filesearch is the preferable approach :)

However, I´m always amazed over the fact that You seems to have "an ace up Your sleeve" :wink:

Have a nice weekend,
Upvote 0
On 2002-09-07 13:37, XL-Dennis wrote:

Yes, I know You was joking so did I :wink:

Yes, I agree that the native VBA Filesearch is the preferable approach :)

However, I´m always amazed over the fact that You seems to have "an ace up Your sleeve" :wink:

Have a nice weekend,

Dennis my friend :)

Have a GREAT Weekend....

BTW....I have taken a copy of your routine

Kind Regards,<font size=+2><font color="red"> I<font color="blue">van<font color="red"> F M</font color="blue">oala</font><font size=1> From the City of Sails

This message was edited by Ivan F Moala on 2002-09-07 14:01
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