Formatting Data in Excel using VBA


New Member
May 31, 2011

I'm trying to take large amounts of data in a single column over many rows and sift out the data I need into labeled columns on a single rows.

I've taken screen shots of what I'm trying to accomplish.

'Store column headings in an array
ColumnHeading = Array("", "", "", "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")

'Format Column Headings with values from array
For ColIndex = 4 To UBound(ColumnHeading)
Cells(1, ColIndex).Value = ColumnHeading(ColIndex)
Next ColIndex

'Scan through Column A, if column contains "E-mail Address", copy e-mail address into "E-mail address Column
Dim CopiedValue As Variant
For RowIndex = 3 To totalRows
Const firstColumn As Integer = 1
If Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*University*" Then
'Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
Cells(RowIndex, 4).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Dental Hygiene *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 5).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Phone: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 6).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Email Address: * " Then
Cells(RowIndex, 7).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Web Site: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 8).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Certificate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 9).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Associate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 10).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value

ElseIf Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value Like "*Baccalaureate: *" Then
Cells(RowIndex, 11).Value = Cells(RowIndex, firstColumn).Value
End If
Next RowIndex

1) Before I run the code, I have large amounts of data in a single column:


2) The code scans through column 1 looking for data that matches column types, then places them in the correct columns:

3) This is what it SHOULD be doing... each time the code reaches a new college, it should place it in the next row


Any suggestions? thanks!
Last edited:

Excel Facts

How to total the visible cells?
From the first blank cell below a filtered data set, press Alt+=. Instead of SUM, you will get SUBTOTAL(9,)
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="365"><col style="width: 117pt;" width="156"> <col style="width: 61pt;" width="81"> <col style="width: 48pt;" span="2" width="64"> <tbody><tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt; width: 117pt;" height="20" width="156">
</td> <td style="width: 61pt;" width="81">
</td> <td style="width: 48pt;" width="64">
</td> <td style="width: 48pt;" width="64">
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Entry-Level Dental Hygiene Programs </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">AK </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">University of Alaska Anchorage </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Community and Technical College </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Dental Hygiene Program </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">AHS Building #160, 3211 Providence Drive </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Anchorage, AK 99508-8371 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Sandra Pence, RDH, MS — Program Director </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Phone: (907) 786-6925 Ext.: Fax:</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Email Address: </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Web Site: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Degrees Awarded </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Certificate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Associate: AAS </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Baccalaureate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Map of Location </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Date Submitted: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">(907) 786-6937 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl65" style="height: 15pt;" align="right" height="20">11/11/2010</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">University of Alaska Fairbanks </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Tanana Valley Campus </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Dental Hygiene Program </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">604 Barnette Street, 4th Floor </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Fairbanks, AK 99701-0000 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Vaughan J. Hoefler, DDS — Program Director </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Phone: (907) 455-2834 Ext.: Fax:</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Email Address: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Web Site: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Degrees Awarded </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Certificate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Associate: AAS </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Baccalaureate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Map of Location </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Date Submitted: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">(907) 455-2865 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl65" style="height: 15pt;" align="right" height="20">10/23/2009</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">AL </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Tri-State Institute-Birmingham Date Submitted: </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Dental Hygiene Program </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">100 London Parkway, Suite 150 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Birmingham, AL 35211-0000 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="4" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Susan Gorman, RDH, BSEd —Director of Dental Hygiene </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Phone: (205) 940-7791 Ext.: Fax: (205) 942-6708 </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Email Address: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="4" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Web Site: </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Degrees Awarded </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Certificate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Associate: AAS </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Baccalaureate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Map of Location </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td class="xl65" style="height: 15pt;" align="right" height="20">11/3/2010</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Page 1 of 109 – April 25, 2011 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Entry-Level Dental Hygiene Programs </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">AL </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="4" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Wallace State College Date Submitted: 11/18/2010 </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Health Division </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Dental Hygiene Program </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">801 Main Street NE </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Hanceville, AL 35077-0000 </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="4" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Barbara Adams, RDH, MA — Dental Programs Director </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="3" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Phone: (256) 352-8380 Ext.: Fax: (256) 352-8382 </td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="4" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Email Address: </td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td colspan="2" style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Web Site: </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Degrees Awarded </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Certificate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Associate: AAS </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Baccalaureate: N/A </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 15pt;" height="20"> <td style="height: 15pt;" height="20">Map of Location </td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
Upvote 0
This should do it.

Sub transposedata()

newrow = 1


columnHeading = Array(, , , , "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")

For j = 4 To 11
    Cells(1, j) = columnHeading(j)
Next j

For i = 2 To [a65000].End(xlUp).Row

        If InStr(Cells(i, 1), "University") = 1 Then
            newrow = newrow + 1
            col = 4
            trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Dental Hygiene ") = 1 Then
                col = 5
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Phone: ") = 1 Then
                col = 6
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Email Address: ") = 1 Then
                col = 7
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Web Site: ") = 1 Then
                col = 8
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Certificate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 9
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Associate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 10
                trigger = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Baccalaureate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 11
                trigger = 1
                trigger = 0
        End If
    If trigger = 1 Then
        Cells(newrow, col) = Cells(i, 1)
    End If

Next i

End Sub

Good Luck!
Upvote 0
it works :) thank you.

Can you please explain two things?

1) Why are checking if it equals 1?
2) what does trigger do?

Upvote 0

it works :smile: thank you.

Can you please explain two things?

1) Why are checking if it equals 1?
2) what does trigger do?
3) Since each column is labeled, either phone, email, etc... It's redundant if each cell below each column is labeled again, like so:


How can I delete the excess labels and only keep the important data, like so?


Upvote 0

The formula INSTR checks for a specific text in a string and if it is found it gives a value of "TRUE" or "1"

If InStr(Cells(i, 1), "University") = 1

can be translated to: If cell(i,1) has the text "University" then TRUE (1) if it is not there then FALSE (0).

The "Trigger" is a variable and is there to tell the code if it should copy a value from column A to a specific row or move to the next cell in column A.

If you notice the loop goes through the if statement looking for specific values: "University", "Dental Hygiene ", etc. If it finds the search string in a cell in column A then it passes a value (trigger) to activate the code for pasting the cell from column A:
If trigger = 1 Then
        Cells(newrow, col) = Cells(i, 1)
End If

Your database has lots of junk that you do not want to copy to specific files. The Trigger paramter determines if the current cell in Column A should be pasted to a specific column.

One more thing. Notice that I have separate parameter when looking for "University"

newrow = newrow + 1

This tells VBA to add 1 to the line count for the transposed data.

Hope this makes sense.
Upvote 0
Thank you very much. You've been extremely helpful.
I've just one more question...

Since each column is labeled, either phone, email, etc... It's redundant if each cell below each column is labeled again, like so:


How can I delete the excess labels and only keep the important data, like so?


Upvote 0
Here is a revised version which adds specific information for each search for the mid function. Mid works similar as in excel MID(STRING,START,NUM_OF_CHAR)

Sub transposedata()

newrow = 1


columnHeading = Array(, , , , "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")

For j = 4 To 11
    Cells(1, j) = columnHeading(j)
Next j

For i = 2 To [a65000].End(xlUp).Row

        If InStr(Cells(i, 1), "University") = 1 Then
            newrow = newrow + 1
            col = 4
            trigger = 1
            st = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Dental Hygiene ") = 1 Then
                col = 5
                trigger = 1
                st = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Phone: ") = 1 Then
                col = 6
                trigger = 1
                st = 8
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Email Address: ") = 1 Then
                col = 7
                trigger = 1
                st = 16
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Web Site: ") = 1 Then
                col = 8
                trigger = 1
                st = 11
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Certificate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 9
                trigger = 1
                st = 14
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Associate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 10
                trigger = 1
                st = 11
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Baccalaureate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 11
                trigger = 1
                st = 16
                trigger = 0
        End If
    If trigger = 1 Then
        Cells(newrow, col) = Mid(Cells(i, 1), st, Len(Cells(i, 1)) - st + 1)
    End If

Next i

End Sub
Upvote 0
Here is a revised version which adds specific information for each search for the mid function. Mid works similar as in excel MID(STRING,START,NUM_OF_CHAR)

Sub transposedata()

newrow = 1


columnHeading = Array(, , , , "College", "Program", "Phone", _
"Email", "Web Site", "Certificate", "Associate", "Baccalaureate")

For j = 4 To 11
    Cells(1, j) = columnHeading(j)
Next j

For i = 2 To [a65000].End(xlUp).Row

        If InStr(Cells(i, 1), "University") = 1 Then
            newrow = newrow + 1
            col = 4
            trigger = 1
            st = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Dental Hygiene ") = 1 Then
                col = 5
                trigger = 1
                st = 1
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Phone: ") = 1 Then
                col = 6
                trigger = 1
                st = 8
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Email Address: ") = 1 Then
                col = 7
                trigger = 1
                st = 16
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Web Site: ") = 1 Then
                col = 8
                trigger = 1
                st = 11
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Certificate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 9
                trigger = 1
                st = 14
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Associate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 10
                trigger = 1
                st = 11
            ElseIf InStr(Cells(i, 1), "Baccalaureate: ") = 1 Then
                col = 11
                trigger = 1
                st = 16
                trigger = 0
        End If
    If trigger = 1 Then
        Cells(newrow, col) = Mid(Cells(i, 1), st, Len(Cells(i, 1)) - st + 1)
    End If

Next i

End Sub

You're the best.

Thanks for everything.
Upvote 0

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