
Board Regular
Apr 15, 2008
Can we build a single formula to auto-populate the list of dates as shown in column 'G', based on the payment cycles set in (i) & (ii) and the list of dates provided in (iii), without repeating common dates between them?

For now, I prepared separate list of dates using formulas to calculate each payment cycle from (i) and (ii), and then manually combined them along with list of dates from table (iii) in a chronological order (removing duplicate dates). The desired result is put together in column 'G' for illustration.

Single List of Dates.xlsx
1(i) Loan 'Installment' dates :Merged List of Dates 'populated'based on thetwo Payment Cycles and the list of fixed payment dates
2Enter Loan Date : 29-Feb-16
3Select Loan Tenure : 9Qtr← = Tenure of : 2 Yr 3 MnthsRemarksDate
4Select Installment Frequency : QtrlyLoan Disbursed29-Feb-16
53Add'l payment Date - Fixed4-Apr-16← Non-cyclic payment as per Table in (iii)
6Installment Due29-May-16
7Installment Due29-Aug-16
8(ii) Dates for 'Additional Payments'Add'l payment Date - Fixed30-Aug-16← Non-cyclic payment as per Table in (iii)
9 to be madeAdd'l payment Date - by Freq31-Aug-16← 1st Additional Payment as per freqency from (ii)
10 WITHIN the Loan TenureAdd'l payment Date - by Freq30-Sep-16
11 as per below frequency :Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Oct-16
12Installment Due29-Nov-16
13Day (date) of Payments : MonthEndSelect betw.: 1 to 30 or MonthEndAdd'l payment Date - by Freq30-Nov-16
14Begin Payment From : AugSelect the MonthAdd'l payment Date - by Freq31-Dec-16
152016Enter Year (data validation is applied)Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Jan-17
16Payment Frequency : MonthlySelect: Monthly, Qtrly, Half-Yrly, YearlyInstallment Due28-Feb-17← this is also an 'Additional payment' date as per Freq set in (ii)
171Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Mar-17
18Add'l payment Date - by Freq30-Apr-17
19Installment Due29-May-17
20(iii) Dates for 'Additional Payments'Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-May-17
21 made on fixed DatesAdd'l payment Date - Fixed12-Jun-17← Non-cyclic payment as per Table in (iii)
22Source of Funds for makingAdd'l payment Date - by Freq30-Jun-17
23Additional PaymentPay DatesAdd'l payment Date - by Freq31-Jul-17
24Commission received4-Apr-16Add'l payment Date - Fixed2-Aug-17← Non-cyclic payment as per Table in (iii)
25Sale of car30-Aug-16Installment Due29-Aug-17← Also a date for Non-cyclic payment as per table in (iii)
26Sale of investments12-Jun-17Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Aug-17
27Term-Deposit Maturity02-Aug-17Add'l payment Date - by Freq30-Sep-17
28Bonus Received29-Aug-17Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Oct-17
29To be paid from my savings30-Nov-17Installment Due29-Nov-17
30To be paid from my savings31-Jan-18Add'l payment Date - by Freq30-Nov-17← Also a date for Non-cyclic payment as per table in (iii)
31From Commission receivable30-May-18to be ignored —out of date range as per (i)Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Dec-17
32From Bonus Receivable02-Aug-18to be ignored —out of date range as per (i)Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Jan-18← Also a date for Non-cyclic payment as per table in (iii)
33Installment Due28-Feb-18← this is also an Additional payment date (per ii & iii)
34Add'l payment Date - by Freq31-Mar-18
35Add'l payment Date - by Freq30-Apr-18
36Installment Due29-May-18
37←should ignore (return blank or error) for 30-May-18 from table iii
38←should ignore (return blank or error) for 02-Aug-18 from table iii
39..←return blank/error here onwards (no more dates to populate)
Cell Formulas
D3D3="← = Tenure of : "&IF(C3="Months",INT(B3/12)&" Yr "&MOD(B3,12)&" Mnths",IF(C3="Qtr",INT(B3/4)&" Yr "&(MOD(B3,4)*3)&" Mnths",IF(C3="Half-Yrs",INT(B3/2)&" Yr "&(MOD(B3,2)*6)&" Mnths",IF(C3="Years",B3&" "&C3,"-"))))
G6G6=IF( AND(MONTH(G4)=2, DAY(G4)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G4,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G4,B$5))
G7G7=IF( AND(MONTH(G6)=2, DAY(G6)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G6,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G6,B$5))
G9G9=IF( B13="MonthEnd", EOMONTH(--(B14&"-"&B15),0), IF(B14="Feb", MIN( B13, DAY(EOMONTH(--(B14&"-"&B15),0)) ), --(B13&"-"&B14&"-"&B15)) )
G34:G35,G31:G32,G27:G28,G23,G17:G18,G14:G15,G10:G11G10=IF( $B$13="MonthEnd", EOMONTH(G9+1,$B$17-1), IF( (MONTH(EDATE(G9,$B$17)) - MONTH(G9)) <> $B$17, EOMONTH( DATE(YEAR(G9),MONTH(G9)+$B$17,1), 0), EDATE(G9,$B$17) ) )
G12G12=IF( AND(MONTH(G7)=2, DAY(G7)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G7,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G7,B$5))
G13,G30,G22,G20G13=IF( $B$13="MonthEnd", EOMONTH(G11+1,$B$17-1), IF( (MONTH(EDATE(G11,$B$17)) - MONTH(G11)) <> $B$17, EOMONTH( DATE(YEAR(G11),MONTH(G11)+$B$17,1), 0), EDATE(G11,$B$17) ) )
G16,G33,G29G16=IF( AND(MONTH(G12)=2, DAY(G12)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G12,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G12,B$5))
G19,G36G19=IF( AND(MONTH(G16)=2, DAY(G16)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G16,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G16,B$5))
G25G25=IF( AND(MONTH(G19)=2, DAY(G19)<>DAY(G$4)), EOMONTH(G19,B$5-1) + DAY(G$4), EDATE(G19,B$5))
G26G26=IF( $B$13="MonthEnd", EOMONTH(G23+1,$B$17-1), IF( (MONTH(EDATE(G23,$B$17)) - MONTH(G23)) <> $B$17, EOMONTH( DATE(YEAR(G23),MONTH(G23)+$B$17,1), 0), EDATE(G23,$B$17) ) )
Cells with Data Validation
B3Whole number>0
B15Custom=AND(MOD(B15,1)=0, IF(B13="MonthEnd",EOMONTH(--(B14&"-"&B15),0),IF(B14="Feb",MIN(B13,DAY(EOMONTH(--(B14&"-"&B15),0))),--(B13&"-"&B14&"-"&B15))) >B2 )

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