Hi Guys, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
am not really good in excel and would like to ask help.... might be easy for u guys....<o></o>
I have 2 work sheets... (request & Report). <o></o>
In Request Sheet, I've got column <o></o>
B1 - Reference <o></o>
C1 - Date Received <o></o>
I1 - Status (Pending, awaitng Reply,cancelled,Complete,Under study or blank) <o></o>
J1 - Reply Date <o></o>
N1-NOC status (Cancelled,Released,Blank) <o></o>
Now what i want to happen is, in column I1, there is 5 days review cycle after receiving the request. So, if the reviewer, didnt give it after 5 days after received (today()-C1>5, I1 = Pending , then if its less than 5 days (today()<5, I1 = Under Study. However, if my N1 is RELEASED, I1 = Completed, and if N1 is Cancelled, I1 = Cancelled and if N1 is blank my I1 = Awaiting Response, then lastly if C1 is blank, I1 = blank. Is this possible? <o></o>
Hope you can help me guys Thank You
am not really good in excel and would like to ask help.... might be easy for u guys....<o></o>
I have 2 work sheets... (request & Report). <o></o>
In Request Sheet, I've got column <o></o>
B1 - Reference <o></o>
C1 - Date Received <o></o>
I1 - Status (Pending, awaitng Reply,cancelled,Complete,Under study or blank) <o></o>
J1 - Reply Date <o></o>
N1-NOC status (Cancelled,Released,Blank) <o></o>
Now what i want to happen is, in column I1, there is 5 days review cycle after receiving the request. So, if the reviewer, didnt give it after 5 days after received (today()-C1>5, I1 = Pending , then if its less than 5 days (today()<5, I1 = Under Study. However, if my N1 is RELEASED, I1 = Completed, and if N1 is Cancelled, I1 = Cancelled and if N1 is blank my I1 = Awaiting Response, then lastly if C1 is blank, I1 = blank. Is this possible? <o></o>
Hope you can help me guys Thank You