I'm using two workbooks, one in our newsroom for entry of data (input.xls) and one in our control room for output (output.xls)
output.xls has a link to input input.xls, so that if someone enters data into, say, cell A10 in input.xls, that entry is reflected in cell A10 of output.xls..... simple and it works, unless more than 255 characters is entered in the input workbook.
The M$KB has an article (Q211878) about this and a suggested workaround which (of course) doesn't work.
Do any of you have a method work getting around this? Thanks!
output.xls has a link to input input.xls, so that if someone enters data into, say, cell A10 in input.xls, that entry is reflected in cell A10 of output.xls..... simple and it works, unless more than 255 characters is entered in the input workbook.
The M$KB has an article (Q211878) about this and a suggested workaround which (of course) doesn't work.
Do any of you have a method work getting around this? Thanks!