Pedie, you are completely obsessed with hiding tables. Don't worry about it. But as far as your question goes, if the user can get to the database, they can get to the tables.
why do you think someone will link a table in your database? (no vba cannot stop it).
Okay, makes sense - the front end doesn't actually have a table in it, only a link to the table in the back end.
Access database security is a long and difficult topic. SyndneyGeek has an article on it:
I don't bother with it. I probably would use a server-based database (back-end) if I wanted to create stronger security. For me it's enough to take simple precautions - hide the tables, split the database, don't show the database window, give the users good forms to work with so they can do their work without looking for workarounds and hacks. If your users are the type to hack into your tables then I'm not sure what to say - I don't think I'd use an Access database which such users.
Sub Form1_Load()
Call Macro1
End Sub