Help, FuzzyVlookup between two files

Y Bagg

New Member
Sep 6, 2005
Hello, and thank you for your help.

I am trying to use Alan's fantastic fuzzyvlookup to compare data between two different XLS files but I get #VALUE error.

I simply have a spreadsheet in "file 1" that lists names and if the name in "File 1" matches a name in "File 2" value in column B from "File 2" needs to be displayed.

I know I installed the code right because FuzzyVlookup works fine when comparing data in the same .xls file, but I can't make it work to lookup data from a different file.

I tried searching the forum but came up with nothing.. If I can make this work it will make my job SOO much easier so I hope someone can help.

Here is my formula in File1 :

this formula works with just Vlookup, so the path is also correct. But I need to make this work with Fuzzy since names in File 2 may be entered slightly different than in File 1.

I tried everything but all I get is #VALUE.

Thank You Kindly...

Excel Facts

Excel Can Read to You
Customize Quick Access Toolbar. From All Commands, add Speak Cells or Speak Cells on Enter to QAT. Select cells. Press Speak Cells.
Click on Help, Contents and Index, Index tab, then double click on "#VALUE! error vlue", then on "Troubleshoot formulas and error values" and, finally, click on "What does the error #VALUE! mean?". Read the information, and research your data, to see what fits your case.

Anyone with access to your spreadsheet would probably have to do something similar, to find what the actual cause of your problem might be.

Good luck!
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Just tried this & it worked ok. The steps I took were:
1) Open redemption s/sheet
2) entering the FuzzyVLookup formula and using the 'Point & Click' method to enter the lookup range.

Note that 'Redemption' MUST be open for this to work, as with most Excel formulae.

BTW are you using the latest version of the code, which is as follows, note that it includes an 'Auto open' which gives you a template for FuzzyVLookup if you press the 'fx' function button:
Option Explicit

Type RankInfo
    Offset As Integer
    Percentage As Single
End Type
Sub Auto_Open()
'There are 10 categories
'1 = finance
'2 = date & time
'3 = math & trig
'4 = statistics
'5 = matrices
'6 = database
'7 = text functions
'8 = logic
'9 = info
'10 = User defined

Application.MacroOptions _
    Macro:="FuzzyPercent", _
    Description:="Return percentage match between two strings", _
Application.MacroOptions _
    Macro:="FuzzyVLookup", _
    Description:="Return best match for string from column range", _
Application.MacroOptions _
    Macro:="FuzzyHLookup", _
    Description:="Return best match for string from row range", _
End Sub
Function FuzzyPercent(ByVal String1 As String, _
                      ByVal String2 As String, _
                      Optional Algorithm As Integer = 3, _
                      Optional Normalised As Boolean = False) As Single
'** Return a % match on two strings **
Dim intLen1 As Integer
Dim intCurLen As Integer
Dim intTo As Integer
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intPtr As Integer
Dim intScore As Integer
Dim intTotScore As Integer
Dim intStartPos As Integer
Dim strWork As String

'-- If strings havent been normalised, normalise them --
If Normalised = False Then
    String1 = LCase$(Application.Trim(String1))
    String2 = LCase$(Application.Trim(String2))
End If

'-- Give 100% match if strings exactly equal --
If String1 = String2 Then
    FuzzyPercent = 1
    Exit Function
End If

intLen1 = Len(String1)

'-- Give 0% match if string length < 2 --
If intLen1 < 2 Then
    FuzzyPercent = 0
    Exit Function
End If

intTotScore = 0                   'initialise total possible score
intScore = 0                      'initialise current score

'-- If Algorithm = 1 or 3, Search for single characters --
If (Algorithm And 1) <> 0 Then
    intTotScore = intLen1                   'initialise total possible score
    intPos = 0
    For intPtr = 1 To intLen1
        intStartPos = intPos + 1
        intPos = InStr(intStartPos, String2, Mid$(String1, intPtr, 1))
        If intPos > 0 Then
            If intPos > intStartPos + 3 Then     'No match if char is > 3 bytes away
                intPos = intStartPos
                intScore = intScore + 1          'Update current score
            End If
            intPos = intStartPos
        End If
    Next intPtr
End If

'-- If Algorithm = 2 or 3, Search for pairs, triplets etc. --
If (Algorithm And 2) <> 0 Then
    For intCurLen = 2 To intLen1
        strWork = String2                          'Get a copy of String2
        intTo = intLen1 - intCurLen + 1
        intTotScore = intTotScore + Int(intLen1 / intCurLen)  'Update total possible score
        For intPtr = 1 To intTo Step intCurLen
            intPos = InStr(strWork, Mid$(String1, intPtr, intCurLen))
            If intPos > 0 Then
                Mid$(strWork, intPos, intCurLen) = String$(intCurLen, &H0) 'corrupt found string
                intScore = intScore + 1     'Update current score
            End If
        Next intPtr
    Next intCurLen
End If

FuzzyPercent = intScore / intTotScore

End Function

Function FuzzyVLookup(ByVal LookupValue As String, _
                      ByVal TableArray As Range, _
                      ByVal IndexNum As Integer, _
                      Optional NFPercent As Single = 0.05, _
                      Optional Rank As Integer = 1, _
                      Optional Algorithm As Integer = 3, _
                      Optional AdditionalCols As Integer = 0) As Variant
'** Function to Fuzzy match LookupValue with entries in                        **
'** column 1 of table specified by TableArray.                                 **
'** TableArray must specify the top left cell of the range to be searched      **
'** The function stops scanning the table when an empty cell in column 1       **
'** is found.                                                                  **
'** For each entry in column 1 of the table, FuzzyPercent is called to match   **
'** LookupValue with the Table entry.                                          **
'** 'Rank' is an optional parameter which may take any value > 0               **
'**        (default 1) and causes the function to return the 'nth' best        **
'**         match (where 'n' is defined by 'Rank' parameter)                   **
'** If the 'Rank' match percentage < NFPercent (Default 5%), #N/A is returned. **
'** IndexNum is the column number of the entry in TableArray required to be    **
'** returned, as follows:                                                      **
'** If IndexNum > 0 and the 'Rank' percentage match is >= NFPercent            **
'**                 (Default 5%) the column entry indicated by IndexNum is     **
'**                 returned.                                                  **
'** if IndexNum = 0 and the 'Rank' percentage match is >= NFPercent            **
'**                 (Default 5%) the offset row (starting at 1) is returned.   **
'**                 This value can be used directly in the 'Index' function.   **
'**                                                                            **
'** Algorithm can take one of the following values:                            **
'** Algorithm = 1:                                                             **
'**     This algorithm is best suited for matching mis-spellings.              **
'**     For each character in 'String1', a search is performed on 'String2'.   **
'**     The search is deemed successful if a character is found in 'String2'   **
'**     within 3 characters of the current position.                           **
'**     A score is kept of matching characters which is returned as a          **
'**     percentage of the total possible score.                                **
'** Algorithm = 2:                                                             **
'**     This algorithm is best suited for matching sentences, or               **
'**     'firstname lastname' compared with 'lastname firstname' combinations   **
'**     A count of matching pairs, triplets, quadruplets etc. in 'String1' and **
'**     'String2' is returned as a percentage of the total possible.           **
'** Algorithm = 3: Both Algorithms 1 and 2 are performed.                      **
Dim R As Range

Dim strListString As String
Dim strWork As String

Dim sngMinPercent As Single
Dim sngWork As Single
Dim sngCurPercent  As Single
Dim intBestMatchPtr As Integer
Dim intRankPtr As Integer
Dim intRankPtr1 As Integer
Dim I As Integer

Dim lEndRow As Long

Dim udRankData() As RankInfo

Dim vCurValue As Variant

'--    Validation                                            --

LookupValue = LCase$(Application.Trim(LookupValue))

If IsMissing(NFPercent) Then
    sngMinPercent = 0.05
    If (NFPercent <= 0) Or (NFPercent > 1) Then
        FuzzyVLookup = "*** 'NFPercent' must be a percentage > zero ***"
        Exit Function
    End If
    sngMinPercent = NFPercent
End If

If Rank < 1 Then
    FuzzyVLookup = "*** 'Rank' must be an integer > 0 ***"
    Exit Function
End If

ReDim udRankData(1 To Rank)

lEndRow = TableArray.Rows.Count
If VarType(TableArray.Cells(lEndRow, 1).Value) = vbEmpty Then
    lEndRow = TableArray.Cells(lEndRow, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End If

'-- Main loop --
For Each R In Range(TableArray.Cells(1, 1), TableArray.Cells(lEndRow, 1))
    vCurValue = ""
    For I = 0 To AdditionalCols
        vCurValue = vCurValue & R.Offset(0, I).Text
    Next I
    If VarType(vCurValue) = vbString Then
        strListString = LCase$(Application.Trim(vCurValue))
        '-- Fuzzy match strings & get percentage match --
        sngCurPercent = FuzzyPercent(String1:=LookupValue, _
                                     String2:=strListString, _
                                     Algorithm:=Algorithm, _
        If sngCurPercent >= sngMinPercent Then
            '-- Store in ranked array --
            For intRankPtr = 1 To Rank
                If sngCurPercent > udRankData(intRankPtr).Percentage Then
                    For intRankPtr1 = Rank To intRankPtr + 1 Step -1
                        With udRankData(intRankPtr1)
                            .Offset = udRankData(intRankPtr1 - 1).Offset
                            .Percentage = udRankData(intRankPtr1 - 1).Percentage
                        End With
                    Next intRankPtr1
                    With udRankData(intRankPtr)
                        .Offset = R.Row
                        .Percentage = sngCurPercent
                    End With
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next intRankPtr
        End If
    End If
Next R

If udRankData(Rank).Percentage < sngMinPercent Then
    '-- Return '#N/A' if below NFPercent --
    FuzzyVLookup = CVErr(xlErrNA)
    intBestMatchPtr = udRankData(Rank).Offset - TableArray.Cells(1, 1).Row + 1
    If IndexNum > 0 Then
        '-- Return column entry specified --
        FuzzyVLookup = TableArray.Cells(intBestMatchPtr, IndexNum)
        '-- Return offset row --
        FuzzyVLookup = intBestMatchPtr
    End If
End If
End Function
Function FuzzyHLookup(ByVal LookupValue As String, _
                      ByVal TableArray As Range, _
                      ByVal IndexNum As Integer, _
                      Optional NFPercent As Single = 0.05, _
                      Optional Rank As Integer = 1, _
                      Optional Algorithm As Integer = 3) As Variant
'** Function to Fuzzy match LookupValue with entries in                        **
'** row 1 of table specified by TableArray.                                    **
'** TableArray must specify the top left cell of the range to be searched      **
'** The function stops scanning the table when an empty cell in row 1          **
'** is found.                                                                  **
'** For each entry in row 1 of the table, FuzzyPercent is called to match      **
'** LookupValue with the Table entry.                                          **
'** 'Rank' is an optional parameter which may take any value > 0               **
'**        (default 1) and causes the function to return the 'nth' best        **
'**         match (where 'n' is defined by 'Rank' parameter)                   **
'** If the 'Rank' match percentage < NFPercent (Default 5%), #N/A is returned. **
'** IndexNum is the row number of the entry in TableArray required to be       **
'** returned, as follows:                                                      **
'** If IndexNum > 0 and the 'Rank' percentage match is >= NFPercent            **
'**                 (Default 5%) the row entry indicated by IndexNum is        **
'**                 returned.                                                  **
'** if IndexNum = 0 and the 'Rank' percentage match is >= NFPercent            **
'**                 (Default 5%) the offset col (starting at 0) is returned.   **
'**                 This value can be used directly in the 'OffSet' function.  **
'**                                                                            **
'** Algorithm can take one of the following values:                            **
'** Algorithm = 1:                                                             **
'**     For each character in 'String1', a search is performed on 'String2'.   **
'**     The search is deemed successful if a character is found in 'String2'   **
'**     within 3 characters of the current position.                           **
'**     A score is kept of matching characters which is returned as a          **
'**     percentage of the total possible score.                                **
'** Algorithm = 2:                                                             **
'**     A count of matching pairs, triplets, quadruplets etc. in 'String1' and **
'**     'String2' is returned as a percentage of the total possible.           **
'** Algorithm = 3: Both Algorithms 1 and 2 are performed.                      **
Dim R As Range

Dim strListString As String
Dim strWork As String

Dim sngMinPercent As Single
Dim sngWork As Single
Dim sngCurPercent  As Single

Dim intBestMatchPtr As Integer
Dim intPtr As Integer
Dim intRankPtr As Integer
Dim intRankPtr1 As Integer

Dim iEndCol As Integer

Dim udRankData() As RankInfo

Dim vCurValue As Variant
'--    Validation                                            --
LookupValue = LCase$(Application.Trim(LookupValue))

If IsMissing(NFPercent) Then
    sngMinPercent = 0.05
    If (NFPercent <= 0) Or (NFPercent > 1) Then
        FuzzyHLookup = "*** 'NFPercent' must be a percentage > zero ***"
        Exit Function
    End If
    sngMinPercent = NFPercent
End If

If Rank < 1 Then
    FuzzyHLookup = "*** 'Rank' must be an integer > 0 ***"
    Exit Function
End If

ReDim udRankData(1 To Rank)
iEndCol = TableArray.Columns.Count
If VarType(TableArray.Cells(1, iEndCol).Value) = vbEmpty Then
    iEndCol = TableArray.Cells(1, iEndCol).End(xlToLeft).Column
End If

'-- Main loop --
For Each R In Range(TableArray.Cells(1, 1), TableArray.Cells(1, iEndCol))
    vCurValue = R.Value
    If VarType(vCurValue) = vbString Then
        strListString = LCase$(Application.Trim(vCurValue))
        '-- Fuzzy match strings & get percentage match --
        sngCurPercent = FuzzyPercent(String1:=LookupValue, _
                                     String2:=strListString, _
                                     Algorithm:=Algorithm, _
        If sngCurPercent >= sngMinPercent Then
            '-- Store in ranked array --
            For intRankPtr = 1 To Rank
                If sngCurPercent > udRankData(intRankPtr).Percentage Then
                    For intRankPtr1 = Rank To intRankPtr + 1 Step -1
                        With udRankData(intRankPtr1)
                            .Offset = udRankData(intRankPtr1 - 1).Offset
                            .Percentage = udRankData(intRankPtr1 - 1).Percentage
                        End With
                    Next intRankPtr1
                    With udRankData(intRankPtr)
                        .Offset = R.Column
                        .Percentage = sngCurPercent
                    End With
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next intRankPtr
        End If
    End If
Next R

If udRankData(Rank).Percentage < sngMinPercent Then
    '-- Return '#N/A' if below NFPercent --
    FuzzyHLookup = CVErr(xlErrNA)
    intBestMatchPtr = udRankData(Rank).Offset - TableArray.Cells(1, 1).Column + 1
    If IndexNum > 0 Then
        '-- Return row entry specified --
        FuzzyHLookup = TableArray.Cells(IndexNum, intBestMatchPtr)
        '-- Return offset col --
        FuzzyHLookup = intBestMatchPtr
    End If
End If
End Function
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