Help with excel calculation


Board Regular
Nov 2, 2005
Please help me figure this calculation out Please go to for the file

% Comp. (H10) = I need to do a calculation such as: IF there is text in a cell J11:O26 count each cell as one THEN DIVIDE by the number of cells in J11:O26 which will give me the percentage.

This will be the start but there are more calculations but this will help me start it out.



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Control Word Wrap
Press Alt+Enter to move to a new row in a cell. Lets you control where the words wrap.
=(COUNTA(J11:O26)+COUNTBLANK(J11:O26)) will give total
to get the percentage use the first formula then divide
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Thanks for the calculation now I have another question.

I need another calculation for H5 I would like it to calculate the following

I would like it to count all cells containing the text Pass in J11:O26 plus J29:O36 plus J39:O59 then divide all cells with and without text on J11:O26 plus J29:O36 plus J39:O59 which should give me the average


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Hi lostboyca:

How about the following array formula ...

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Here is a formula without using arrays

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...confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER.

Hope this helps!
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Yogi Anand/Domenic –

Your script works now the question I have is that can you break down the script in English? I want to add more rows and cells to the calculation.

Chitosunday –
Your script did not work it error out and highlighted COUNTBLANK(J11:O26,J29:O36,J39:O59))


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lostboyca said:
Your script works now the question I have is that can you break down the script in English? I want to add more rows and cells to the calculation.

With regards to my formula...

1) replace the references to J11:O59 with references to your new range, and

2) change the array constant {17,18,27,28} to specify which row, relative to the first row in your table, to exclude from the calculation. In this case, rows 17, 18, 27, and 28 are excluded from the calculation.
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