Help with OR Function


New Member
Nov 5, 2005
Can anyone please help...

I want to input a name into cell A1

For B1 I would like to use the IF funtion so that,

If the text in A1 = "Dave" OR "John" for B1 to display "Y" otherwise display "N" and for the "N" to be red coloured font, if that's possible.

Many thanks,


Excel Facts

Does the VLOOKUP table have to be sorted?
No! when you are using an exact match, the VLOOKUP table can be in any order. Best-selling items at the top is actually the best.
First look in Excel help for the OR operator to understand how it works.

Next research conditional formatting.

Your cell logic will essentially be:

The conditional formatting logic in your formula cell will be: =B1=TRUE
and then choose your formatting.

Where [condition1] is the first name and
[condition2] is the second name

Here is a tutorial for learning logical operations:

Also, this website has a wealth of tutorial information you can use:
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Thank you, that was most helpful.

Now would it be possible for the NO to come up in red???


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Another couple of quick questions, is there a formula to make the value of a particular cell be it's Row number...
E.g. for Cell A8 to display 8, for H14 to be 14, L39 to be 39, etc.

Also, is there a formula to make the value of a particular cell be the name of the worksheet it's in...
E.g. for Cell G12 in the Worksheet titled "2005" to display "2005"

Many thanks,

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I already answered your 2nd question in the first post.

You can answer most of these questions by typing the word "functions" into the help search. In my system the very first top find is "Worksheet functions listed by category."

Look at the "Information" and "Lookup / Reference" functions

Specifically, Look at ADDRESS, ROW, COLUMN
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OK, it's taken a while, but I've worked out most of those.

But I still can't find the formula for a cell to display the name of the Worksheet it's in. Could you please just tell me the formula.

Many thanks,

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Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Range("A2").FormulaR1C1 = ActiveSheet.Name
End Sub
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